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Thousands of non-Muslims trapped on mountains and forced to choose between starving to death and slaughter by ISIS fanatics

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Well, you wrote that in your opinion the BBC presents a balanced view.


No I didn't. I wrote "That makes me think that the coverage is probably attempting as best as possible to be objective". Balance and objectivity are subtly different.


>I think the reason the BBC takes the line it does is not a love of the Palestinians, but fear of arousing the ire of Muslims in the UK. We know they can be somewhat touchy and could be waiting with an axe for someone outside the st



This is doolally IMO.

Balance and objectivity. Hmmmm. What difference there is is extremely subtle in this sense.


As for "waiting with an axe", I originally used the term alegorically, but then I was reminded of Drummer Lee Rigby, so who knows what they are capable of? We are not dealing with reasonable people here. Just forget the axe then for the general meaning. The spectre of arousing the ire of the Muslims in general is enough to send the establishment into a spin.




Hence the lack of any real enthusiasm from Cameron and crew.to get stuck in.

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ISIS will still need to be dealt with though.


The only way they can avoid airstrikes is by dispersing amongst the populace. However they will have to concentrate to move forward. They concentrate and they are then vulnerable to attack.


Be aware that all the while intelligence is being gathered on their command and control, logistics and so forth i.e. all the targets that reduce their effectiveness on the ground. If Obama widens the mode of operations, the dreaded "mission creep" , then he can make it a lot harder for them to consolidate the gains they have and mount any further advances.


It's easy to be motivated when you're attacking the infidels but it's a lot harder when you're being vaporised in the old chariot!

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I'll connect in a bit with TJ's conspiracist mindset - I think the FT, the Economist and the WSJ provide a pretty good what's-the-cost view point of world affairs. The WSJ especially gives a view on the opinions of the powerful on the world.


Foreign Affairs is also excellent, but it costs and takes 2 months to read, and as it publishes every month you end up getting increasingly behind!


Yes, these publications do tend to print the reality of the situation; mainly because these publications are aimed at the top 10% of people who run the society rather than the general public (the other 90%).

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Three Malaysian women have allegedly travelled to the Middle East as "comfort women" for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters, according to senior intelligence officials.

Jihad Al-Nikah, or sexual jihad, refers to women joining the jihad by offering sex to fighters to boost their morale.

"These women are believed to have offered themselves in sexual comfort roles to ISIS fighters who are attempting to establish Islamic rule in the Middle East.

"This concept may seem controversial but it has arisen as certain Muslim women here are showing sympathy for the ISIS struggle," an intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Malaysian Insider news site."



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ISIS in Egyptian mythology was a godess, sister and later wife of Hours.


Rather ironical that a mohammadan activist group should end up with the same name as a woman considering what a bunch of sexist pigs Mohammadans are.


Maybe why the changed their name to IS and now the Ummah.


Ummah? Now where and when do I remember hearing that sound? (Not being tongue in cheek.)

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

ISIS is a scam. Why are we still talking about it as anything other than a a group of useful idiiots being controlled (unbeknownst to them) by US/ISraeli/British/Saudi intelligence services to trump up their endless wars and to suppress Arab nationalism? They're agents of chaos to perpetuate western imperialism in the region. It's so obvious.

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ISIS in Egyptian mythology was a godess, sister and later wife of Hours.


Rather ironical that a mohammadan activist group should end up with the same name as a woman considering what a bunch of sexist pigs Mohammadans are.


Maybe why the changed their name to IS and now the Ummah.


Ummah? Now where and when do I remember hearing that sound? (Not being tongue in cheek.)

tynwald uuumah pension needs increasing.

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ISIS is a scam. Why are we still talking about it as anything other than a a group of useful idiiots being controlled (unbeknownst to them) by US/ISraeli/British/Saudi intelligence services to trump up their endless wars and to suppress Arab nationalism? They're agents of chaos to perpetuate western imperialism in the region. It's so obvious.



It's so obvious this post is nonsense.

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  • 3 months later...

Startling revelations: ISIS operative confesses to getting funds via US.


"ISLAMABAD: Yousaf al Salafi allegedly the Pakistan commander of Islamic State (IS) or Daish has confessed during investigations that he has been receiving funds through the United States. Law enforcing agencies on January 22 claimed that they arrested al Salafi, along with his two companions, during a joint raid in Lahore. However, sources revealed that al Salafi was actually arrested sometimes in December last year and it was only disclosed on January 22."



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