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Thousands of non-Muslims trapped on mountains and forced to choose between starving to death and slaughter by ISIS fanatics

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I always find it strange how ISIS aren't marching towards Israel.



I don't. They're cowards who are not man enough to fight real soldiers so instead they butcher innocent women and children. Still, I do think ISIS and Al Qaeda are a government-funded intelligence operation who are used as agents of chaos. There's no way they're an autonomous group. The question is, which government(s) are behind it.

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I don't. They're cowards who are not man enough to fight real soldiers so instead they butcher innocent women and children. Still, I do think ISIS and Al Qaeda are a government-funded intelligence operation who are used as agents of chaos. There's no way they're an autonomous group. The question is, which government(s) are behind it.

I reckon it's Durham County Council.

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I don't. They're cowards who are not man enough to fight real soldiers so instead they butcher innocent women and children. Still, I do think ISIS and Al Qaeda are a government-funded intelligence operation who are used as agents of chaos. There's no way they're an autonomous group. The question is, which government(s) are behind it.

I reckon it's Durham County Council.


Too big. It's Richard Ronan.

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I don't. They're cowards who are not man enough to fight real soldiers so instead they butcher innocent women and children. Still, I do think ISIS and Al Qaeda are a government-funded intelligence operation who are used as agents of chaos. There's no way they're an autonomous group. The question is, which government(s) are behind it.

I reckon it's Durham County Council.


More like Dubai or Riyadh County Council

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I always find it strange how ISIS aren't marching towards Israel.


I don't. They're cowards who are not man enough to fight real soldiers so instead they butcher innocent women and children. Still, I do think ISIS and Al Qaeda are a government-funded intelligence operation who are used as agents of chaos. There's no way they're an autonomous group. The question is, which government(s) are behind it.

Interesting. I suspect the reason that IS I is holding back is because right now Israel is winning the war on the ground but loosing big time in public perception and it seems Israel looses more and more in public opinion even though that is based on lies and deception by hamas so why should ISIS spoil a good thing.


There's another aspect though there's nothing like success to build more success upon and right now they're on a roll. I do wonder to what extent Barack Hussein's messing in the former stable Arab states is behind ISIS who now are well on the way to establish the new Caliphate - and all that will then release on the world.


Interesting times.

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ISIS are basically a militant group that call themselves Islamic, they completely disregard the Qur'an in some ways, trying to push themselves forward. They want everywhere from Europe, all across the Middle East to Indonesia. Indonesia has already outlawed ISIS completely, though the flag was being flown in East London or so I've heard.


They are also threatening world domination in 5 years. Lucky us.


Though, they completely disregard the stance of the Qu'ran regarding the principle of "People of the Book" which is very much a live and let live approach, as Judaism and Christianity follow one god under similar principles.

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Though, they completely disregard the stance of the Qu'ran regarding the principle of "People of the Book" which is very much a live and let live approach


Live and let live? lol


Islamic treatment of Jews and Christians is based on the hadiths; the Covenant of Umar forms the blueprint for state treatment of them. I would say it's a "pay tax and be treated like shit and let live [unless we arbitrarily decide to kill you]" approach.

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ISIS are basically a militant group that call themselves Islamic, they completely disregard the Qur'an in some ways, trying to push themselves forward. They want everywhere from Europe, all across the Middle East to Indonesia. Indonesia has already outlawed ISIS completely, though the flag was being flown in East London or so I've heard.They are also threatening world domination in 5 years. Lucky us.Though, they completely disregard the stance of the Qu'ran regarding the principle of "People of the Book" which is very much a live and let live approach, as Judaism and Christianity follow one god under similar principles.

That is not so. In the case of the people stuck in the mountains they are considered as being mostly heretics. As for live and let live, live under subjugation more to the point. The outlawing of ISIS is about power, not religion.
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The uncomfortable truth that nobody in power wants to face is that resurgent Islam will have to be confronted sooner or later, or else it will destroy us. That does not make welcome reading in the corridors of power of countries with large Muslim populations. What to do? We might offend them and that would never do. But the longer it is left, the worse will be the fate that overcomes humanity in the end. Meanwhile, we have raised several generations of soft complacent Western people who think that everyone in the world is amenable if only we treat them fairly and show them our better democratic way. We need to stop misleading the young in this way. It is the very least we can do.




"Convert, leave or die." Today Qaraqoush. 2030 Marseille? 2040 Leicester?

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Another reason they could be avoiding the Israel conflict is that it is providing a useful distraction from what ISIS are doing in other countries.


I also suspect that the west will largely allow them to do what they want until they become a real threat to European borders or one of the middle eastern countries requests help.

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It does make me wonder just what game Barack Hussein and his close supporters are playing.


While Christians have been persecuted by the Muslim Brotherhood he did NOTHING yet he was the driving force accompanied by Blair in destroying the very unpleasant but nonetheless effective check on islamic activists that ruled the countries across the top of North Africa and he and his lot came horrifyingly close to supporting the downfall of the unpleasant but effective regime of Assad in Syria.


It's only when the pressure from the grass roots of an already seriously angry US became a significant issue when what is being presented as thousands of Christians were facing death in an undeniable way from an undeniable force that he actually took a very tiny action to provide aid for the people under threat but not to even start to face down the latest army of The Prophet, because that is what they are.


There is a great deal very wrong about Obama.


From the remaining question, never fully answered regarding his place of birth - which if outside of the US would instantly debar him from being president - to his real association with Islam.


GW Bush was what he was.


His foreign policy is a matter of record and debate and I'm not sure in my own mind where I stand but the thing that can not be said about GW is that he was un-American. That is not the case with the present incumbent and looking at his foreign policy there is a great deal more that he stands accused of to which there is no clear answer, though I have my own views on him and what he has been up to.


As with the Tony Blair, I suspect that the true nature of his appalling actions will only really start to come clear a few years down the line but, as with Blair today, people will be asking "How could we have let the creature get away with it?"

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There's no such group called Al Qaeda. It's an NSA generated name. Disparate unknown forces needed a name, so they gave it one.


There's no such thing as Albert Tatlock. It's an ISD generated name. Desperate f---ers needed a name, so they gave it one.


Whether Al Qaeda technically exists or not as a singular entity is beside the point. There's also no such thing as a singular group named Anonymous. It's no different to a number of medical diseases or illnesses where the thing does not in and of itself exist as an entity but is rather a label which is used to refer to some specific symptons which a person may have. People shouldn't get too focused on the labels as they are arbitrary; t's best to look at the symptons, or, in the case of Al Qaeda, the localised operations. On the other hand, I've no doubt there are singular governmental or perhaps even corporate entities funding Al Qaeda and ISIS operations from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and I've also no doubt that the western intelligence services have to some extent co-opted these groups and are manipulating them. As per Goldstein's book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism (see Orwell's 1984), a constant state of war is required to control the masses. This is true not just of western society but of the Arab states. While there is the trumped up threat of terrorism and chaos, people are less inclined to protest for social reform, as everyone is instead focused on the outside -- or inside -- threat. It keeps the Saudis and other ruling families in power.

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It does make me wonder just what game Barack Hussein and his close supporters are playing.


While Christians have been persecuted by the Muslim Brotherhood he did NOTHING yet he was the driving force accompanied by Blair in destroying the very unpleasant but nonetheless effective check on islamic activists that ruled the countries across the top of North Africa and he and his lot came horrifyingly close to supporting the downfall of the unpleasant but effective regime of Assad in Syria.


It's only when the pressure from the grass roots of an already seriously angry US became a significant issue when what is being presented as thousands of Christians were facing death in an undeniable way from an undeniable force that he actually took a very tiny action to provide aid for the people under threat but not to even start to face down the latest army of The Prophet, because that is what they are.


There is a great deal very wrong about Obama.


From the remaining question, never fully answered regarding his place of birth - which if outside of the US would instantly debar him from being president - to his real association with Islam.


GW Bush was what he was.


His foreign policy is a matter of record and debate and I'm not sure in my own mind where I stand but the thing that can not be said about GW is that he was un-American. That is not the case with the present incumbent and looking at his foreign policy there is a great deal more that he stands accused of to which there is no clear answer, though I have my own views on him and what he has been up to.


As with the Tony Blair, I suspect that the true nature of his appalling actions will only really start to come clear a few years down the line but, as with Blair today, people will be asking "How could we have let the creature get away with it?"

Obama is nothing less than a puppet. He gets told what to do do, he's lost without his teleprompter and now he's off on holiday for two weeks after supposedly being concerned about Christians in Iraq.

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