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Thousands of non-Muslims trapped on mountains and forced to choose between starving to death and slaughter by ISIS fanatics

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What's a non-Muslim Muslim?

No one know... because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.
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What's a non-Muslim Muslim?

It would seem that Muslims such as the Yazidis for one group and that the ISIS lot have in their sights but also others such as the Suffi, the Ahmadiyya and lots others.
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What's a non-Muslim Muslim?

No one know... because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.
You're what I'd call a proper know it all Albert!
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It does make me wonder just what game Barack Hussein and his close supporters are playing.


While Christians have been persecuted by the Muslim Brotherhood he did NOTHING yet he was the driving force accompanied by Blair in destroying the very unpleasant but nonetheless effective check on islamic activists that ruled the countries across the top of North Africa and he and his lot came horrifyingly close to supporting the downfall of the unpleasant but effective regime of Assad in Syria.


It's only when the pressure from the grass roots of an already seriously angry US became a significant issue when what is being presented as thousands of Christians were facing death in an undeniable way from an undeniable force that he actually took a very tiny action to provide aid for the people under threat but not to even start to face down the latest army of The Prophet, because that is what they are.


There is a great deal very wrong about Obama.


From the remaining question, never fully answered regarding his place of birth - which if outside of the US would instantly debar him from being president - to his real association with Islam.


GW Bush was what he was.


His foreign policy is a matter of record and debate and I'm not sure in my own mind where I stand but the thing that can not be said about GW is that he was un-American. That is not the case with the present incumbent and looking at his foreign policy there is a great deal more that he stands accused of to which there is no clear answer, though I have my own views on him and what he has been up to.


As with the Tony Blair, I suspect that the true nature of his appalling actions will only really start to come clear a few years down the line but, as with Blair today, people will be asking "How could we have let the creature get away with it?"

Obama is nothing less than a puppet. He gets told what to do do, he's lost without his teleprompter and now he's off on holiday for two weeks after supposedly being concerned about Christians in Iraq.



You ever tried cancelling a holiday last minute? Money down the toilet right there

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What's a non-Muslim Muslim?

No one know... because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.


I don't know why people mock Rumsfeld for that quotation; it actually makes a lot of sense.

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What's a non-Muslim Muslim?

It would seem that Muslims such as the Yazidis for one group and that the ISIS lot have in their sights but also others such as the Suffi, the Ahmadiyya and lots others.


The Yazidis are Kurds with a unique monotheistic religion of their own. However, you are correct that ISIS don't consider non-Sunni Muslims to be proper Muslims. In fact, they don't even consider other Sunni Muslims to be proper Muslims if they're not extreme enough for them. They consider Shia Islam to be worse than Judaism or Christianity.

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Is it happening the way it's being reported? I mean does anyone actually know if the Christian Iraqis are being killed, I know Spook and his Tufty Club members would like to think so just so they can further push their agenda of Christians being the chosen people and the Muslims and pretty much everyone else being the 'baddies'?


I'm not going with a 'conspiracy theorist' angle but the mainstream media has been proven to be bullshitters of the highest order.

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So do what I did, Mat. Don't stick to the mainstream media, instead look to other media sources such as English language newspapers from other countries such as www.dailynewsegypt.com (not sure if I copied that correctly) but there's lots of other sources. Some interesting stuff to be found on English language foreign newspaper sites as well that's just - well - interesting and not at all relevant to this item.

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So do what I did, Mat. Don't stick to the mainstream media, instead look to other media sources such as English language newspapers from other countries such as www.dailynewsegypt.com (not sure if I copied that correctly) but there's lots of other sources. Some interesting stuff to be found on English language foreign newspaper sites as well that's just - well - interesting and not at all relevant to this item.

I rarely, if ever use mainstream news as sources of information, it's usually Al Jazeera etc. but to be honest even that's becoming more rare these days because the older I get the more I realise that despite what goes on around the world it's generally all negative stuff, there's pretty much nothing I can do about it and what will occur in life is exactly what will occur regardless of what I do or don't do.

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Is it happening the way it's being reported? I mean does anyone actually know if the Christian Iraqis are being killed, I know Spook and his Tufty Club members would like to think so just so they can further push their agenda of Christians being the chosen people and the Muslims and pretty much everyone else being the 'baddies'?


I'm not going with a 'conspiracy theorist' angle but the mainstream media has been proven to be bullshitters of the highest order.

The media, run as it is by metropolitan liberals, has a pro-Muslim bias anyway, since it suits their cosy "big happy family" vision of the future at home. You can be pretty confident therefore, that the Christians and the Yazidis are being killed and the BBC etc. are reporting it through gritted teeth. Nothing at all like the barely contained glee with which they dissect and condemn Israeli activities in Gaza.

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The media, run as it is by metropolitan liberals, has a pro-Muslim bias anyway


That's an evolution of the media is run by Jews argument. This is the same kind of chip-on-the-shoulder thinking which leads people to think that the world is organised by secret agreement.

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The BBC have actually admitted that they are politically biased.


One of many similar places this is reported and similar reports exists where other than the EU, UKIP, and Migration are concerned.


Just Google "BBC admit to bias" and see what emerges.

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