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Thousands of non-Muslims trapped on mountains and forced to choose between starving to death and slaughter by ISIS fanatics

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I'm frankly shocked at the astonishing degree of anti-Semitism that I've seen here and as comments related to the visit of the Israeli diplomat.


The 'It's not the Jews, it's the Zionists' is raw ant-Semitism probably at its worst short of actual violence because it infers that the Jewish nation have no right to a national homeland, a homeland incidentally that was stolen from them in years past.


Then there's the understandable horror at what is taking place in Gaza. It IS horrible but other than striking back at those who are bent on the destruction of the LEGITIMATE state of Israel and who use their families as weapons of propaganda what choice are the Israelis left with? The answer is NONE.


Some of the comments that I've read accusing the Israelis of deliberately massacring terrorists and their families as if it was some sort of plot to commit genocide would be laughable if it were not that stupid ignorant bigoted fools actually believe such rubbish.


It makes me ashamed of my being Manx, it REALLY does.

"Ashamed of being Manx", don't know about that but if I held and shared some of your views in relation to "non christians" being consigned (including babies and children) to eternal hell and damnation I would hope that I would be ashamed of myself.


I consider myself "Manx" and happily accept that I have very little in common with you, so in the words of Sam Goldwin "include me out" (of your club).biggrin.png

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What have my beliefs got to do with the opinions that I have expressed on this?


I have studiously avoided making any reference to them and have dealt with this in a rigidly secular manner.

I don't share your beliefs in relation to the demonising of all Palestinians and your arrogance in demonising other posters who do not share the same views as yourself.


You then assume that , as you claim you are Manx, that the Manx community is "beyond the pale" if they have a contrary view.


A bigot is someone who has a diametrically opposed view to one's own, when "you point the finger you have three pointing back at yourself"


Do not presume to speak on my behalf , may your god go with you.

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But I don't demonise all of the people that are known as Palestinians. To make that false claim and then to build on that is to say the very least silly. As to my beliefs, they don't enter into this and so to try to drag those in is beyond silly, it's contemptible.

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But I don't demonise all of the people that are known as Palestinians. To make that false claim and then to build on that is to say the very least silly. As to my beliefs, they don't enter into this and so to try to drag those in is beyond silly, it's contemptible.

Perhaps you should reread some of your posts on the Israel vs thread.


To appreciate your 'christian charity's relation to the plight of the Palestine civilians perhaps post13 ( they should have got out of the war zone ) …….."suffer the little children" ?


To accuse me of 'false claims' is a bit rich given your assertions of what awaits me in "the next life" on other threads ….lol.


I'm grateful you find me as contemptible as I find you biggrin.png

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Perhaps you should get someone to read and explain what I have written before you base comments on your inadequate capacity to understand joined up thinking. As for my beliefs and values, judging from your very obvious inability to comprehend what you read the liklihood of how such things should be interpreted beyond the banal is obviously exceedingly limited.

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lol, that's the spirit if all else fails resort to the "I'm right, you're wrong so you're 'silly' " go into "denial mode" and add in a few pathetic insults biggrin.png


Perhaps you should get someone to read and explain what I have written before you base comments on your inadequate capacity to understand joined up thinking. As for my beliefs and values, judging from your very obvious inability to comprehend what you read the liklihood of how such things should be interpreted beyond the banal is obviously exceedingly limited.

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lol, that's the spirit if all else fails resort to the "I'm right, you're wrong so you're 'silly' " go into "denial mode" and add in a few pathetic insults :D

Perhaps you should get someone to read and explain what I have written before you base comments on your inadequate capacity to understand joined up thinking. As for my beliefs and values, judging from your very obvious inability to comprehend what you read the liklihood of how such things should be interpreted beyond the banal is obviously exceedingly limited.

Hardly. Just some advice.
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your views in relation to "non christians" being consigned (including babies and children) to eternal hell and damnation I would hope that I would be ashamed of myself.


[i am not a Christian but] you have some erroneous ideas about Christianity right there in that post.

T J they are NOT my ideas they were Spook's when he, in another thread was trying to persuade everyone to have their children baptised in order to prevent them from burning in hell.



I'm not a "christian but take the view that , thank god (lol) ,Spook does not speak for all of those who claim to have "christian beliefs"

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You're not very bright are you 'paswt'. That is NOT what I wrote. But the issue here isn't your competence in understanding what you read, that's your problem. The issue here is the appalling uncivilised acts taking place by the supporters of the IS.

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No race, creed, religion, cult, whatever deserves the right to have a country all of it's own and have an apartheid state. We overcame this kind of backward thinking in South Africa. Let's not fall victim to it again by using dubious biblical tradition as the basis for more of the same.

It's rather early to call time on the South Africa debate. There are worrying changes that are reminiscent of Zanu PF. This is four years old. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/world-news/is-south-africa-turning-into-zimbabwe-1.1022908 Things have not improved.

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T J they are NOT my ideas they were Spook's when he, in another thread was trying to persuade everyone to have their children baptised in order to prevent them from burning in hell.




I'm not a "christian but take the view that , thank god (lol) ,Spook does not speak for all of those who claim to have "christian beliefs"


In Christian soteriology, babies and children do not go to "Hell". It is only when a person reaches the age of accountability that they become responsible for their actions.


In the early years of Christianity, the churches preaching eternal damnation were the minority, but they had the political power in Rome. The majority were universalists who believed all humanity would eventually go to Heaven. The doctrine of eternal damnation and Hell was invented to control people with fear. There is no "Hell" in the Old Testament, although you'll find the word used in Christian translations of it. The word She'ol they are translating as "Hell" really just means the ground or the grave and was the resting place of the good and the bad alike. Look into the original Greek New Testament even and you see verses are translated in a way that supports this horrible doctrine, whereas you can find translations which contain no mention of it.

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No race, creed, religion, cult, whatever deserves the right to have a country all of it's own and have an apartheid state. We overcame this kind of backward thinking in South Africa. Let's not fall victim to it again by using dubious biblical tradition as the basis for more of the same.

It's rather early to call time on the South Africa debate. There are worrying changes that are reminiscent of Zanu PF. This is four years old. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/world-news/is-south-africa-turning-into-zimbabwe-1.1022908 Things have not improved.

I know, we used to enjoy going to the Cape every year until last year when we stopped going as the country is now slipping further and further downhill. Lovely place but now no longer anyone with a white face or any cash to speak of would want to live.

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And now Camoron is saying that the IS activists will be (are?) coming to the UK. Judging by the distribution of leaflets and other IS promotion taking place in the UK let alone elsewhere he's a bit slow on this one.

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