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Thousands of non-Muslims trapped on mountains and forced to choose between starving to death and slaughter by ISIS fanatics

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They condemned the killing of that journalist. I know you are anti-muslim but please don't just make stuff up.


Before I get accused of being anti something I will once again state that I think all extreme religious types are weapons grade tossers. That can be a muslim tosser, a jewish tosser, a christian tosser, a sikh tosser, etc. I don't discriminate in that respect.

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They condemned the killing of that journalist. I know you are anti-muslim but please don't just make stuff up.


Before I get accused of being anti something I will once again state that I think all extreme religious types are weapons grade tossers. That can be a muslim tosser, a jewish tosser, a christian tosser, a sikh tosser, etc. I don't discriminate in that respect.

Who are 'they' and by what authority do 'they' speak and for what percentage of which jurisprudence do 'they' speak.
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That means nothing. Absolutely nothing.


What the IS lot are doing is precisely what is mandated in the Quran and underwritten in hadith.


Any person with one ounce of decency would walk away from islam because of what it requires its votaries to do. The very fact that people are not doing and doing in droves indicates where their loyalties lay.

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That means nothing. Absolutely nothing.


What the IS lot are doing is precisely what is mandated in the Quran and underwritten in hadith.


Any person with one ounce of decency would walk away from islam because of what it requires its votaries to do. The very fact that people are not doing and doing in droves indicates where their loyalties lay.


I suspect there is no real discussion with you if you just deny everything when presented with some evidence. I find it very sad to hear that you believe all Muslims were glad that this journalist guy was killed. You seem to be blinded by your own faith. Please tell me that you're not a creationist too?

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Now where did I write that ALL mohammadans were glad that the journalist was murdered?


I have absolutely no doubt that many were appalled and are at least very uneasy that their religion mandates such actions - but the fact remains that it does.

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I'm surprised as they could not have found a better way of getting US public support united behind Obama and airstrikes. The 300 or so US military 'advisors' in country are going to be very busy in the next few days designating more and more targets while the US hawks are still baying for blood.

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I'm surprised as they could not have found a better way of getting US public support united behind Obama and airstrikes. The 300 or so US military 'advisors' in country are going to be very busy in the next few days designating more and more targets while the US hawks are still baying for blood.


Perhaps they should have considered the quote attributed to Isoroku Yamamito (although there is no evidence that he actually said it);


"I fear all we have done it to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve".


Now perhaps the USA cannot now be described as a sleeping giant. More like a dozing giant given their recent activity, however, you are right in saying that all they may have done is to have swung US public opinion in favour of military intervention despite the recent desire to withdraw from the region.


ETA: I am also pretty sure that the likes of Wooley & Spook would also be in favour of the British military engaging with ISIS.

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In fact I wouldn't. I would much prefer that the British military concentrated on dealing with the trouble makers and potential troublemakers in the UK.

I wouldn't either, personally. I can understand the rationale of "better to deal with them now in The Levant than down the line in the UK and Europe", but I don't think that's a mutually exclusive choice as we are going to have to do the latter anyway.


I can also understand the moral appeal from the Iraqis to the West after Blair and Bush going in there to unseat Saddam Hussein. Does anyone except Blair still seriously believe that was a change for the better? To think, they had learnt so little that even a few months ago they were toying with toppling Assad in Syria to give these savages a free run. Amazing.


So on balance I would not intervene militarily. I would let them keep killing each other and hope they make a good job of it whilst offering asylum to Christians and other persecuted minorities of whatever ethnicity. Not racist, you see.

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Perhaps they should have considered the quote attributed to Isoroku Yamamito (although there is no evidence that he actually said it);


"I fear all we have done it to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve".


Now perhaps the USA cannot now be described as a sleeping giant. More like a dozing giant given their recent activity, however, you are right in saying that all they may have done is to have swung US public opinion in favour of military intervention despite the recent desire to withdraw from the region.


ETA: I am also pretty sure that the likes of Wooley & Spook would also be in favour of the British military engaging with ISIS.


ISIS, and all the other extremists want to fight. That's their whole purpose. If they wanted the US out of Afghanistan and Iraq they would have just kept their heads down for a few years until they went away. But where's the fun in that? They want to fight.

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SIS, and all the other extremists want to fight. That's their whole purpose. If they wanted the US out of Afghanistan and Iraq they would have just kept their heads down for a few years until they went away. But where's the fun in that? They want to fight.


I agree with you there. They do want a fight, however, you must agree that a properly motivated and supported force from the US & Europe would probably have little problem with wiping them out (as long as we don't mind killing civilians along the way).


The problem lies in getting public backing for such an action when we have a diverse population which clearly includes some who support or are indifferent to ISIS. Then throw in the civilian casualties and it becomes distasteful to our Western civilisation which is why we have the political posturing going on at the moment.


Wooley & Spook - Perhaps I did overestimate your desires to take on ISIS and I apologise. What would you say your tipping point is for direct military involvement?


Spook - I assume you do not mean to turn the UK into a military ruled state whilst they root out the supporters of ISIS?

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