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Anti-Semitism in Britain: prejudice becoming normalised

Thomas Jefferson

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This is not Antisemitism, it's anti-Israel and I for one support a boycott of Israeli goods.


Yes, it is. Throwing out kosher foods from Sainsbury's is anti-semitic, not anti-Israel. Kosher is Jewish, not Israeli.


Also, being anti-Israel means being against a nation of nearly 8 MILLION human beings. Do please enlighten me as to how that isn't a form of collective guilt and outright racism.

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This is not Antisemitism, it's anti-Israel and I for one support a boycott of Israeli goods.

would that include medicines, surgical procedures, scientific discoveries, music, telecoms products, electronics, plastics, in fact probably most of the essential products and technologies that we rely upon today would much rather boycott any company or buisness that submitted to the threats and acts of a bunch of anti-Israel and / or terrorist supporters or symathysers. Hamas are getting what they deserve and the blood of the innocent is on THEIR heads. Far from boycotting Israel or Israeli products we should be supporting them in the war of civilisation against sixth century savagery because that same war is getting close to us all even here on the island.


The black propaganda being put about by the fifth columnists here already accompanied by the Useful Idiots believing the lies and distortion concerning what is taking place as hamas are destroyed - as they should be. The best way that peace can be established is the utter destruction of hamas or at the very least convinced that any further action is simply too expensive to consider.


There IS such a thing as just war and this war against the spread of savagery is such a war.

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Spook, as a Christian can you explain how you justify the killing of people? This is what I don't get about religion, all claim peace and forgiveness yet all want to destroy those that don't agree with their own beliefs.


Mojo, the Bible does not say "thou shalt not kill"; it says "thou shalt not murder". It is perfectly acceptable to kill in self-defence; it is obligatory to do so, if necessary, in defence of another. Cliched platitudes about peace and forgiveness are not going to stop Hamas' rockets raining down on Israeli civilians. You are flat out wrong in your accusation that "all" [religions] want to destroy those that don't agree with their beliefs.

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Spook, as a Christian can you explain how you justify the killing of people? This is what I don't get about religion, all claim peace and forgiveness yet all want to destroy those that don't agree with their own beliefs.

A great many Christians will not even do work that aids war but others such as myself recognise that there are times when to fight is the only way forward when to not fight would be to benefit evil.


Now that may be a cop out and it's a thing that has been at the heart of many a heated discussions, or it maybe a personal weakness on my part but even turning the other cheek is only the advice for dealing with a personal attack.


In short I can only speak for myself. When faced with something that is an oppressive and regressive force that is the antithesis of what I firmly and absolutly believe to be true, when to not confront even with extreme prejudice would open the door for a force that is committed to dominate and subjugate those that it takes control over and crush everyone that it overpowers a choice has to be made and when such a force is without doubt founded on the demands not of The Lord but the evil one a person can only trust to their conscience ----- and hope, literally to God that on has made the right choice.

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Thanks for answer Spook, I kind of understand your position, although I think I'd have to agree to disagree with it.


TJ, thanks for the response but I wasn't asking you anything and I wasn't particularly interested in your view on this. You've already said you aren't religious, I'm interested in the religious person's view.

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TJ, thanks for the response



You're welcome.


You've already said you aren't religious, I'm interested in the religious person's view.


When I say I'm not religious, I mean something entirely different to what you probably think. Besides, I didn't tell you my own view, I was explaining the biblical view.

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In previous threads you've gone to great lengths to explain how you don't believe in a religious god but a different type of god, whatever that means. I'm sure you've said you are not religious (I'm not going through all your posts to find it before you ask), but as you seem to change your position frequently who knows what the truth about you is. Plus you have admitted to lying on this forum before so it's little wonder people seem to struggle to understand or sympathise with you.


Are you religious, if so what is your religion? Please try to answer without the usual quasi-intellectual jargon.

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In previous threads you've gone to great lengths to explain how you don't believe in a religious god but a different type of god, whatever that means.


I believe in an inclusive and universal Supreme Being (singular) who transcends all religions, philosophies and races. Ananda Shankar did an excellent song which sums up my own thoughts:


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Oh wow! Isn't THAT the truth!


So many supposed Christian churches pick and mix from the Bible and from the teachings of Christ in order to control their congregations, in fact a good many, especially the Roman Catholic church is principally an organisation that not only pick and mixes from the teachings of Christ but actually resorts to blatant heresy!


IMO Judenhass is down to the RC church right back to Nicaea 1. It rapidly became a meme and still is today.

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We Manx take people much as we find them (and that's where we tend to leave them), but to suggest that we're particularly open-minded or especially welcoming would be to exaggerate a little I feel


I don't think it's an exaggeration at all. I've lived in the UK and got to know a great many people of different cultures and ethnicities and I firmly believe Manx people -- real Manx people -- are among the most welcoming and inclusive people out there. Too bad there are hardly any of us left now.


TJ, you're not always welcoming & inclusive....

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