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Anti-Semitism in Britain: prejudice becoming normalised

Thomas Jefferson

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Anti-Semitism: The Palestinians are Semitic people too.

Semitic people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people

That's why the word judenhass is so very much more appropriate than the mealy mouthed attempt to divert Jew hatred to something more appropriate for "polite" society. It's like the "I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionism" which is another way to divert attention and in the same category as "Some of my friends are --- " in a vain attempt to deny fact.
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would you include a dislike of Israeli nationalism and foreign and defence policy as anti Semitism? A disapproval of their conduct of war and occupation of areas that do not belong to them internationally and their casual acceptance of civilian deaths as collateral when they say they target Hammas hiding in houses and using human shields, and a declaration that it is unacceptable, is that anti-Semitic too?

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And the bible has never been interpreted differently by different people.


The Bible was written by Jesus in perfectly good King James English. Some people just can't read, or read into it what they would like it to say. But the good book says what it says and mark my words, boy: there will be a day of reckoning if you interpret it differently to what it really says.

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would you include a dislike of Israeli nationalism and foreign and defence policy as anti Semitism? A disapproval of their conduct of war and occupation of areas that do not belong to them internationally and their casual acceptance of civilian deaths as collateral when they say they target Hammas hiding in houses and using human shields, and a declaration that it is unacceptable, is that anti-Semitic too?


No, just very uninformed.

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Anti-Semitism: The Palestinians are Semitic people too.

Semitic people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people

That's why the word judenhass is so very much more appropriate than the mealy mouthed attempt to divert Jew hatred to something more appropriate for "polite" society. It's like the "I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionism" which is another way to divert attention and in the same category as "Some of my friends are --- " in a vain attempt to deny fact.


I agree. In fact, the term "anti-semite" was first coined in the 19th century by a guy called Wilhlelm Marr. He used the term exclusively to refer to Jews. He was a hater of Jews and used the term "anti-semite" because it sounded more sophisticated, even scientific, than what he really was: a rampant Jew-hater. This "oh, but Arabs are Semites too" argument any time someone brings up the word anti-semitism are ridiculous and ignorant of the etymology of the term. In fact, the term "Palestinian" back in Wilhelm Marr's day would have referred to Jews. Also, the very term "Semite" is Jewish in origin -- it's derived from Shem, a person in the Jewish Bible, which these Jew-haters claim is all a fairytale. So should they even be using the term themselves, given its meaning? If their character is anything to go by, the Arabs are more likely the descendants of the Amalekites. Pope Urban II referred to them as such in his speech declaring the first crusade to defend Constantinople from the Islamic hordes.

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I don't think it's an exaggeration at all. I've lived in the UK and got to know a great many people of different cultures and ethnicities and I firmly believe Manx people -- real Manx people -- are among the most welcoming and inclusive people out there. Too bad there are hardly any of us left now.


TJ, you're not always welcoming & inclusive....


Yes, I am.

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I don't think it's an exaggeration at all. I've lived in the UK and got to know a great many people of different cultures and ethnicities and I firmly believe Manx people -- real Manx people -- are among the most welcoming and inclusive people out there. Too bad there are hardly any of us left now.


TJ, you're not always welcoming & inclusive....


Yes, I am.


Yet within the last two weeks you've stated that you can never trust friends, sounds very welcoming to me.

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Yet within the last two weeks you've stated that you can never trust friends, sounds very welcoming to me.


Out of context, a distortion of what I actually said, and not relevant.


Ok, I'd accept it is perhaps out of context and the relevance is debatable but it isn't a distortion of what you said.

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Ok, I'd accept it is perhaps out of context and the relevance is debatable but it isn't a distortion of what you said.


Of course it is. I didn't say "you can never trust friends". Albert Tatlock said that in this life you'll have maybe five genuine real friends if you're lucky, and all the other "friends" are people who are just acquaintances and wouldn't really be there for you if the shit hit the fan. I merely said the figure was closer to zero than five. Now, that is totally inconsequential to whether I'm welcoming and inclusive, as I would go out of my way to help anyone even if I didn't know them.

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Ok, I'd accept it is perhaps out of context and the relevance is debatable but it isn't a distortion of what you said.


Of course it is. I didn't say "you can never trust friends". Albert Tatlock said that in this life you'll have maybe five genuine real friends if you're lucky, and all the other "friends" are people who are just acquaintances and wouldn't really be there for you if the shit hit the fan. I merely said the figure was closer to zero than five. Now, that is totally inconsequential to whether I'm welcoming and inclusive, as I would go out of my way to help anyone even if I didn't know them.


Ok, I take it all back, you're my hero.

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"We have declared Bradford an Israel-free zone.


We don't want any Israeli goods; we don't want any Israeli services; we don't want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college.


We don't even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford even if any of them had thought of doing so.


We reject this illegal, barbarous, savage state that calls itself Israel - and you have to do the same."


George [crypto-Muslim] Galloway


Way to go, George. Calling for a boycott on and non-entry of 8 million men, women and children of different races, religions, creeds, many of them even having the same political views as him, all because they happened to be born in a certain country. Tell me, how is that not racism?

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