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Fertility Rate & The impact of the Muslim Community


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Actually - sincerely. Sorry. My response was stupidly harsh.


The statistics in the video might be wrong but the point of the video is spot on - Europe is facing a demographic crisis with dwindling birth rates among real Europeans and high birth rates among Islamic populations.

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"Neo-con" is a contradiction in terms. Generally, it's used to refer to people who advocate an aggressive foreign policy (pushing for globalisation) and aggressive cuts to social spending (except for their corporate welfare friends). I don't like the way these groups are called conservative. Conservative means you uphold traditional values which go back to the Enlightenment, but people who are today called conservatives uphold nothing of the sort and actively work against traditional values. I prefer to call such people the nouveau riche.

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Europe is in denial about its fate and the liberals keep finding cosy reasons for keeping their heads firmly in the sand. The ghettos and no go areas will grow until there are European and Muslim enclaves. Anybody who points this out is shot down, sometimes literally, for their views, whilst the tolerance of intolerance continues in the name of enlightened civilisation. We have another example this weekend. Boris Johnson suggested that suspected jihadists returning from The Levant should be considered to have been involved unless they can prove otherwise. Howls of protest from the appeasers.

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It's not the 'jihadists' returning to the UK that should be the cause for greatest concern, it's the jihadists already ensconced in the UK that are going to be an increasingly BIG problem, and the Jihadists are the tip of an iceberg and what is not visible are those that support or at least don't criticise them.

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