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Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds


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BBC: Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds




At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
. . . The inquiry team found examples of "children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".
Five men from the town were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010, but the report said police "regarded many child victims with contempt".
The report found: "Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."



Utterly beggars belief. How did the police and children's social services become so messed up that they ignored industrial scale child abuse?

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Cronky: For fear of being seen as and accused of being racist. The Asian community are very big in Rotherham, and many other towns and cities across the North and the Midlands where these offences took place. The brainwashed 'new puritans' with their anti-racist and politically correct ideology have also helped create a Britain where this sort of crime can go largely unchecked for fear of offending ethnic minorities. I'm sure that some on here will even think I'm racist for saying that; but if you are one of those, then that's exactly where we are.

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You know society has gone down the toilet when people people are more afraid of being branded racist by the politically correct thought police than they are of being actively complicit in child rape. What the hell is wrong with people?

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Cronky: For fear of being seen as and accused of being racist. The Asian community are very big in Rotherham, and many other towns and cities across the North and the Midlands where these offences took place. The brainwashed 'new puritans' with their anti-racist and politically correct ideology have also helped create a Britain where this sort of crime can go largely unchecked for fear of offending ethnic minorities. I'm sure that some on here will even think I'm racist for saying that; but if you are one of those, then that's exactly where we are.


The racism the politically correct establishment is not talking about is from the immigrants to the white British and between the different immigrant communities themselves.


But ignoring evidence of child abuse - and on this scale - for fear of being branded racist is foul beyond belief. What ever happened to the old lady atop the Old Bailey with her blindfold and scales of justice?


The public authorities tasked with dealing with child abuse should deal with evidence and ignore the colour of someone's skin or their accent or their culture. If there is evidence a child is being damaged then deal with it. How does offending a 'minority' enter into the judgment?


The public authorities in this country are sick. Really, really, sick.

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Doesn't the IoM government pride itself in bringing in civil servants from local authorities across, to bring us their superior knowledge and knowhow.


We could do with a purge of the PC brigade here before we end up going down the same road.

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The children of the Kuffar are fair game....


From the actual report:



Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013)




5.5 In this part of the report, we have not specified the ethnicity of the victims or the perpetrators. In a large number of the historic cases in particular, most of the victims in the cases we sampled were white British children, and the majority of the perpetrators were from minority ethnic communities. They were described generically in the files as ‘Asian males’ without precise reference being made to their ethnicity.



and when the parents tried to help their children:


5.9 In two of the cases we read, fathers tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from houses where they were being abused, only to be arrested themselves when police were called to the scene. In a small number of cases (which have already received media attention) the victims were arrested for offences such as breach of the peace or being drunk and disorderly, with no action taken against the perpetrators of rape and sexual assault against children.


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Well there you have modern Britain in a nutshell Cronky. Fathers arrested for trying to take their children home to safety, and out of the clutches of paedophiles, child rapists and violent abusers. If it had been Cliff Richard or a white celebrity the police and authorities would have turned over every stone. That's the country we've become; and don't let anyone kid themselves that this dumb and pernicious ideology of political correctness isn't the standard narrative on the Isle of Man too.

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This has to stop. Our very freedoms are imprisoning us.


All by design. Political correctness is a fantastic way for the great unwashed to police themselves into subservience. Don't think this is an unfortunate, unforeseen consequence of multiculturalism and liberalisation of society. Divide and rule.

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But those who are dividing and those who will rule are different. And the new rulers will be anything but politically correct. It isn't as though they are making a secret of it. They know that they can conduct themselves exectly as they please with impunity because we are suffering from terminal stupidity.

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