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Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds


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And we still have the trendies saying all is well with the multicultural experiment and we will all live happily ever after. Idiots.

Conspicuous by their absence in this thread aren't they? No doubt one of them will be along soon to put the moronic case for the defence.

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Agreed Woolley. The muted response to these sickening crimes is revealing of the moral paralysis and ambivalence of our enlightened liberal progressives in the face of the uncomfortable evidence and truth. It just doesn't push the buttons. Had the perpetrators been white males, this thread would be up to page ten at least by now.

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Actually I do not think there is any defence for those people who were aware of what was going on but failed to report it for fear of being deemed a racist. Clearly these people were seeing evidence of the crimes being committed and that should have given them the go ahead to report it and follow up on it.


Evidence is the key here. If you were saying that all Asian's in Rotherham were involved without any evidence then yes you are racist.


It would be like saying that all white males are paedophiles because of the cases involving Jimmy Saville, Rolph Harris and all the others who have had allegations made against them recently. It does not mean everyone else is guilty because they share some characteristics.

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@ Manxman1980. Obviously nobody is saying that "all Asians in Rotherham were involved" as that would be nonsense. However, this is very widespread and by bringing in Jimmy Savile etc. you are wilfully ignoring a clear and obvious pattern. This is the default liberal position.

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@ Manxman1980. Obviously nobody is saying that "all Asians in Rotherham were involved" as that would be nonsense. However, this is very widespread and by bringing in Jimmy Savile etc. you are wilfully ignoring a clear and obvious pattern. This is the default liberal position.


The abuse of children does appear to be widespread amongst every racial group sadly. No one group is worse than another, however, there are some cultural differences which do need to be addressed and I would identify the treatment of women as a possession as one of those. Especially such things as arranged marriages and even worse than that the so called "honour" killings.


It is possible to keep an open mind and yet identify behaviours or actions which are unacceptable and look at how to address these.

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How do you address these behaviours and actions when they are fundamental to people's beliefs and to them you are the infidel? You cannot reason with a movement that is bent on nothing less than the destruction of your society. This is precisely the problem being ignored. We should be looking for retribution and ways to protect our young and vulnerable from alien forces. That would be the normal, rational response. Instead we seek to understand their tormentors. The keeping of an open mind.The looking how to address. The kicking it down the road for another day and another generation until the day dawns when it's all too late to do anything. There are some things that cannot be confronted with teaching and understanding, and we are led by people who even now still don't get that.

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We should be looking for retribution and ways to protect our young and vulnerable from alien forces. That would be the normal, rational response. Instead we seek to understand their tormentors.


You do realise how this sounds? Don't you?




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It sounds like a slightly watered down version of what the Islamic extremists are saying about the west.


Woolley is skirting around what really needs to happen which is the application of the law as it stands in the UK. Justice should be free from prejudice and discrimination.


If there are people who are living outside the law then those people, regardless of age, race, gender, disability etc etc should be brought before the courts to face justice.


I would not choose to move to the UAE because I do not agree with the beliefs which underpin their legal system. I would not go to Qatar for the World Cup because I do not agree with the countries laws on homosexuality. If we applied our laws more consistently then we would find that the extremists would not want to live in the UK or Isle of Man either.


So many of you on this thread talk as if you want a battle, that you want a war. Is that really the case?

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We should be looking for retribution and ways to protect our young and vulnerable from alien forces. That would be the normal, rational response. Instead we seek to understand their tormentors.


You do realise how this sounds? Don't you?





Good interjection! It's amazing isn't it. He probably sees what I said as a greater danger than what they did. What chance do we have when this wretched attitude pervades our entire society.

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