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Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds


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"BBC accused of sanitising its news coverage of Rotherham child abuse by Pakistani gangs by failing to refer to perpetrators' ethnicity."



Standard manipulative BBC behaviour. Same mindset as the council officials who ignored what was going on in the first place. Most trusted news organisation in the world. Right.

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And we still have the trendies saying all is well with the multicultural experiment and we will all live happily ever after. Idiots.

But it hasn't been an experiment, has it, really? It is the result of increasing mobility for, mainly, economic reasons in a political climate that has rendered itself impotent to control it.


What seems to have been the failing is to administer the law without fear or favour. Immigrants, or ethnic minorities should simply be expected to abide by the laws of the country in which they are living and the authorities should enforce those laws against them just as they would against the indigenous population. There is no room in our society for a quasi-legal system existing within the national legal framework, nor for the Nelsonian eye because the ethnicity makes it too hard.


I have witnessed this sort of disregard first hand, although not to the same degree, when we lived in the UK. My daughter, who was about 8, attended her after school club and was subjected to quite nasty bullying from a little Nigerian lad. It was persistent, I complained and when nothing was done I tried to escalate it. This was met with shrugs and glances with the clear message that they were not willing to take any action in case it was interpreted as racist against the boy. I said as much, to which the response was a sigh of relief as I understood their dilemma!

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Unless someone has the balls to tackle this problem head on, it will give nationalist extremists exactly what they want. It is possible that the NF (FN there) could be elected at the next election in a country not that far away.

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Unless someone has the balls to tackle this problem head on, it will give nationalist extremists exactly what they want. It is possible that the NF (FN there) could be elected at the next election in a country not that far away.

i do hope so,then ship these paki's all back to where their "animal" behaviour is accepted as the norm.

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I must ask those that have responded to my posts what exactly I have said that you believe is so wrong?

Not so much wrong as misguidedly benevolent in the face of malignant threat. You are in abundant company.



Looking specifically at this case, where am I being "misguidedly benevolent in the face of malignant threat"?


Gladys has elegantly summed up the situation in my view. The race or religion of the people involved in this case should be irrelevant. The fact is that a person a group of people have committed a crime and should be brought to justice.


Race only becomes an issue because others have turned a blind eye for fear of being called racist. Again race should not be an issue here is there is a reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed.


The only other element here is that members of the community have allegedly encouraged the cover up. That to me is perverting the cause of justice and should also not go unpunished. Undoubtedly some people will argue that this is due to the race and beliefs of the people involved, however, to counter that I would again ask you to consider that the same situation appears to have arisen with the high profile celebrity cases which have come to light recently.


To reiterate I have no issue with the perpetrators of this crime being brought to justice under UK law. I just do not see their race or religion as being important. They are no better or worse than white British people who also engage in acts of child abuse.

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To reiterate I have no issue with the perpetrators of this crime being brought to justice under UK law. I just do not see their race or religion as being important. They are no better or worse than white British people who also engage in acts of child abuse.


So you believe that there are gangs of white British middle age men in major cities systematically grooming young Asian girls for sex because they see them as sluts and therefore fair game? This is what it is all about. In the eyes of these men, the girls are non-believing, whoring sluts who are there for them to take advantage of. Allah permits this, so they say. This is absolutely not happening the other way around. The refusal to see it as a clash of cultures issue is what is tying everyone's hands behind their backs in dealing with it.

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Agree Manxman, the law should be applied without fear or favour.


As a Health Inspector and later as a Health and Safety Inspector the "race card " was played on occasions in an effort by some to evade their responsibilities .


I made a point of not joining any organisation (political/ masonic/trade / any other) as on occasions in court I could state, under oath that " I am not and never have been a member of any organisation whatsoever".


"positive discrimination" ……….is discrimination, IMO.

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