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Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds


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Unless someone has the balls to tackle this problem head on, it will give nationalist extremists exactly what they want. It is possible that the NF (FN there) could be elected at the next election in a country not that far away.


i do hope so,then ship these paki's all back to where their "animal" behaviour is accepted as the norm.
Within the colonies where they live their behaviour IS perfectly acceptable. It is also provided for in their cult - sorry, 'religion'.
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I must ask those that have responded to my posts what exactly I have said that you believe is so wrong?

Not so much wrong as misguidedly benevolent in the face of malignant threat. You are in abundant company.



Looking specifically at this case, where am I being "misguidedly benevolent in the face of malignant threat"?


Gladys has elegantly summed up the situation in my view. The race or religion of the people involved in this case should be irrelevant. The fact is that a person a group of people have committed a crime and should be brought to justice.


Race only becomes an issue because others have turned a blind eye for fear of being called racist. Again race should not be an issue here is there is a reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed.


The only other element here is that members of the community have allegedly encouraged the cover up. That to me is perverting the cause of justice and should also not go unpunished. Undoubtedly some people will argue that this is due to the race and beliefs of the people involved, however, to counter that I would again ask you to consider that the same situation appears to have arisen with the high profile celebrity cases which have come to light recently.


To reiterate I have no issue with the perpetrators of this crime being brought to justice under UK law. I just do not see their race or religion as being important. They are no better or worse than white British people who also engage in acts of child abuse.


what a load of immigrant loving tripe.ship the bastards all back,those that wish to stay must assimilate to the prevailing culture,and a full stop on this politically correct culture.

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To reiterate I have no issue with the perpetrators of this crime being brought to justice under UK law. I just do not see their race or religion as being important. They are no better or worse than white British people who also engage in acts of child abuse.


So you believe that there are gangs of white British middle age men in major cities systematically grooming young Asian girls for sex because they see them as sluts and therefore fair game? This is what it is all about. In the eyes of these men, the girls are non-believing, whoring sluts who are there for them to take advantage of. Allah permits this, so they say. This is absolutely not happening the other way around. The refusal to see it as a clash of cultures issue is what is tying everyone's hands behind their backs in dealing with it.



Increasingly it appears that this may have been the case in the 1960's, 70's and 80's... Perhaps all covered up by the cult of celebrity or the Catholic Church.


Here is an article discussing your concerns about Asian men. It does not draw any particular conclusions, however, it does highlight that opportunity and exposure to vulnerable groups play a part. Additionally it also notes that cases involving "whites" are under-reported in the media. Take that as you will, however, to me that suggests that the media knows what stories will sell newspapers and magazines.


There are some other articles below showing some other examples of child abuse and/or human trafficking which really goes to show that the problem extends beyond gangs of Asian males.


Romanian Trafficking


Human Trafficking Gang Jailed


Child Abuse in the Church


I am sure that the offenders from other races and faiths will have their own ways of justifying their actions.


I am merely warning against becoming so obsessed with gangs of Asian males abusing women and children that we become blinkered to the rest of the population who also engage in such disgusting activities.


I again repeat that anyone in the UK (or the Isle of Man) should be subject to the law as set out in Act's of Parliament and in the Courts. Those who break those laws should face justice. We must, however, ensure that the law treats everyone equally without prejudice or positive discrimination.

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What took place in the dirty priests scandal is in direct contradiction to what is contained in the Bible, in the case of Rotherham - and probably many other cities in the UK - it is with the direct approval of the qur'ran.

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To reiterate I have no issue with the perpetrators of this crime being brought to justice under UK law. I just do not see their race or religion as being important. They are no better or worse than white British people who also engage in acts of child abuse.


So you believe that there are gangs of white British middle age men in major cities systematically grooming young Asian girls for sex because they see them as sluts and therefore fair game? This is what it is all about. In the eyes of these men, the girls are non-believing, whoring sluts who are there for them to take advantage of. Allah permits this, so they say. This is absolutely not happening the other way around. The refusal to see it as a clash of cultures issue is what is tying everyone's hands behind their backs in dealing with it.



Increasingly it appears that this may have been the case in the 1960's, 70's and 80's... Perhaps all covered up by the cult of celebrity or the Catholic Church.


Here is an article discussing your concerns about Asian men. It does not draw any particular conclusions, however, it does highlight that opportunity and exposure to vulnerable groups play a part. Additionally it also notes that cases involving "whites" are under-reported in the media. Take that as you will, however, to me that suggests that the media knows what stories will sell newspapers and magazines.


There are some other articles below showing some other examples of child abuse and/or human trafficking which really goes to show that the problem extends beyond gangs of Asian males.


Romanian Trafficking


Human Trafficking Gang Jailed


Child Abuse in the Church


I am sure that the offenders from other races and faiths will have their own ways of justifying their actions.


I am merely warning against becoming so obsessed with gangs of Asian males abusing women and children that we become blinkered to the rest of the population who also engage in such disgusting activities.


I again repeat that anyone in the UK (or the Isle of Man) should be subject to the law as set out in Act's of Parliament and in the Courts. Those who break those laws should face justice. We must, however, ensure that the law treats everyone equally without prejudice or positive discrimination.


1400,YES 1400,in your attempt to justify your comments with smoke and mirrors i do NOT see any figure so horrific,its accepted in these third world country cultures for all kinds of unusual [to us] practices which they keep well hidden,but why did they turn a blind eye to this,WHY because they wont turn them over to british justice,this has been hidden and accepted too long.

ship them all out,bastards.

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1400,YES 1400,in your attempt to justify your comments with smoke and mirrors i do NOT see any figure so horrific,its accepted in these third world country cultures for all kinds of unusual [to us] practices which they keep well hidden,but why did they turn a blind eye to this,WHY because they wont turn them over to british justice,this has been hidden and accepted too long.



ship them all out,bastards.



Perhaps that is because you are the one picking and choosing the facts to suit your view. Not everyone involved in the "cover-up" of the Rotherham case were from the Asian community. The victims were also let down by others who feared being labelled racist.


As evidence that I am not blinkered like yourself I offer you this article. I am sure you will relish the opportunity to pick and choose quotes from that to build your case, however, this is the final paragraph from that article;


"We are all angry, but we cannot allow this to become an opportunity for racists to whip up anti-Muslim hatred, but at the same time neither can we allow a fear of a backlash to silence us from speaking out and, more importantly, addressing the problem. Anything less will be betraying the young people who are being targeted."


I will continue to repeat myself on this. The law should apply equally and fairly to all members of our society free from prejudice or discrimination. What this group of men have done is to break those laws and hiding behind race or cultural beliefs should not be a defence.

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I am merely warning against becoming so obsessed with gangs of Asian males abusing women and children that we become blinkered

I wouldn't worry about BECOMING blinkered at this stage. More like a total refusal to see what is staring you in the face because of a lifetime of politcal correctness conditioning. Everywhere else in the world these characters would be in danger of being lynched by the population at large. Not in Europe. We are so craven that we sweep it all under the carpet to maintain the veneer of a happy, healthy multicultural society lest someone might be offended. I think the Germans must have dropped some kind of genetic self-destruction drug in the British reservoirs before the end of the war.

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Not in Europe

All EU countries aren't equal in their response to the slow change/loss to their culture.


@ hillshepherd : is your solution to include all "those" who were born in the British Isles too or are you winding (some) of us up?

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Not in Europe

All EU countries aren't equal in their response to the slow change/loss to their culture.


This is true, but to a greater or lesser extent, most have serious existential threat to contend with in this regard and with the same Nelsonian attitude from the establishment. Did you have anywhere particular in mind?

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Well France has a ban but is mired in an inter-ethnic struggle. Some of the worst incidents, rioting and segregation are located there. It has seen at least one stoning to death.



Twenty years ago, who would have believed that could happen in a European city? We are wilfully ignoring it all and putting it in the "too difficult" file.

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A couple of views from the overseas press:



Australia - Rotherham child abuse scandal: a nation in disgrace



There was an element of "not again", of yet another chapter of the United Kingdom's still-unfolding paedophile nightmare. But this was something else. It had sheer scale, scope, the length and breadth of the evil unfolded, the malice of the perpetrators and the close-eyed, back-turned, passive immorality of those who let it continue.

A nation is in disgrace. The UK has plunged into a debate over culture, race, immigration, political correctness, class, the politics of welfare, the north-south divide. Almost every fissure in British society seems to crack open at this point, from sheer weight of numbers.





Pakistan - Muslims react with outrage at UK sex abuse report



Muhbeen Hussain, founder of Rotherham Muslim Youth Group, told the Daily Mirror on Wednesday that Muslims are disgusted that justice was not done – leading to some 1,400 children being sexually exploited over a 16-year period, mostly by Pakistani men.

“Race, religion or political correctness should never provide a cloak of invisibility to such grotesque crimes.”

Report author Alexis Jay cited appalling acts of violence between 1997 and 2013 in the town of some 250,000. Charities that deal with abused children have expressed shock not just at the number of victims and by the apparent reluctance of authorities to address the question that people of Pakistani heritage were involved for fear they would be labeled racists.

Muhbeen Hussain, founder of Rotherham Muslim Youth Group, told the Daily Mirror on Wednesday that Muslims are disgusted that justice was not done – leading to some 1,400 children being sexually exploited over a 16-year period, mostly by Pakistani men.

“Race, religion or political correctness should never provide a cloak of invisibility to such grotesque crimes.”



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