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Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds


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Its times like this i'm glad we live in a digital age, we'd have never heard about these awful events otherwise, hopefully this will give a wider scope for young boys/girls to search the internet for what is considered normal and what isn't. Child abuse needs to be a thing of the past, better education is needed across schools (even primary schools) highlighting the dangers of sex abuse with a dedicated helpline for any youngsters affected who will be treated seriously.

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I am not sure that searching the internet is the best way for a child to find out what is considered normal and what isn't. Although I agree that it can be a valuable source of information you do have to be able to question the sources and I don't think young children would be able to identify the rubbish advice from the good advice.


You have hit on what I see as the main issue in this case in your last five words, "who will be treated seriously". Those who knew what was going were either fearful of reporting it or were not taken seriously.

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Anyone watch the Channel 4 documentary last night on child abuse in Pakistan? That it is going on to the extent it is seems to be a complete and shameful surprise to everyone. The ability of the perpetrators to legitimise and rationalise their behaviour is, frankly, disturbing.

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the Chuckle brothers are from Rotherham and work for the BBC sure some conspiracy nuts can make something of this

No need to say anything, you already said it.


Not sure that admitting you know the Chuckle brothers well enough to know they are from Rotherham which I imagine is like a cross between a madmax and carry on up the khyber filmset is terribly healthy.

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