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Easyjet To Fly From Iom

blue kipper

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It is more of a laugh when some cynical clever dick tries to put a poster down with the above infantile remarks and makes no constructive comment.


Personally I think if Easy Jet comes here and kills all competition and then pulls out we will be in S*** Street.


But judging from what I hear about Euro Trash we are not far off that anyway.


Paul H is silent at the moment? Can he afford the internet access?


Ha ha ha. :D


Hi kiddies,


A mate of mine works at "Eruo Trash" aka Euromanx and from what ive heard yesterday they have taken on Emeralds passengers and plane! guess they couldnt cope with £18.50 fares forever, apparently they were loosing millions and if euro hadnt taken over booked passengers ie: me would have been completely up the creek? If emerald couldnt last how the hell could easyjet, they aint interested, not enough people to let them make money on their fare structure?


My humble opinion!


whos gonna try shoot me down first then? bring it on!

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...and makes no constructive comment...


Personally I think if Easy Jet comes here and kills all competition and then pulls out we will be in S*** Street.




You make that sound like it is Easy Jet's agenda to arrive here, start a service, kill off the competition and then stop flying here! Why would they want to do that? Do they have a grudge against the Island?


Surely, by Easy Jet starting up here the outcome is that there will be more competition, which means the Island isn't at the mercy of one operator.

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They would run it for a while and if not making money they would pull out and we would be back to square 1.


Tynwald should have bought out or nationalised Manx Airlines. It would have cost them about 50 million. But they missed the boat! :D


Our wonderful Manx COMIN.


Ha ha ha :D

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Look at what BA did Declan.


Where are we now?


BA bought Manx Airlines for routes and air slots. Once they got them they then eroded the situation into what we have now with Euromanx being formed.


Oh yeah, flights galore, not linked with international ones, numerous delays, passengers pulled out of one plane into another.


It is a bloody joke.


The next stop will be passengers asked to wind up the propellors!


And Government is doing nothing. Ha ha ha :D

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They would run it for a while and if not making money they would pull out and we would be back to square 1.

Can you prove that?

Just because one Airline did that previosly does that mean everyone should be tarred with the same brush?

If you ran an airline and it made good business sense to pull out would you?

If I wasn't making money in a business I'd pull out and I'd call anyone a liar that said they wouldn't.

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...and makes no constructive comment...


Personally I think if Easy Jet comes here and kills all competition and then pulls out we will be in S*** Street.




You make that sound like it is Easy Jet's agenda to arrive here, start a service, kill off the competition and then stop flying here! Why would they want to do that? Do they have a grudge against the Island?


Surely, by Easy Jet starting up here the outcome is that there will be more competition, which means the Island isn't at the mercy of one operator.


Ok, it ain't planes, but can I remind everyone what happened when the Island had two shipping companies? Didn't work - not enough Business..


It's supply and demand, simple as that - a small place like this with three, four, five airlines - how's that gonna work?


The Gov should have taken up both, boats and planes, and run them on break-even basis - that way, everyone's a winner - and we have enough monopolies already - one or two more won't matter...


edited for spelling and to add: I never liked squeasyJet anyway and will never fly with them - I rather pay a bit more and fly with a real airline - hence me working on this

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Two shipping companies did work, the problem was a price war that went so far that both businesses would go bust if something was not done.. In the end the Steam Racket bought out Manxline …and back to monopoly we went…

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Two shipping companies did work, the problem was a price war that went so far that both businesses would go bust if something was not done.. In the end the Steam Racket bought out Manxline …and back to monopoly we went…


So it really didn't work then... Both tried to get more passengers with lower fares until they weren't making any profit anymore, and then the big fish swallowed the small one - just as it happens in the air now...


Don't get me wrong: I'm not a fan of monopolies, but if it's the only way to make things work and benefit me as a taxpayer, then so be it...


edited for spelling

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The problem was they took it to far , they started to run the business at a loss , that will never work , if they had gone to cost they could have survived and kept a healthy competition going , the old greed kicked in , I want it all or nothing IMO…

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