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Israeli Lebensraum


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On Sunday, the IDF conferred the status of state land on 400 hectares (a little under 1,000 acres) in Gush Etzion, thereby ending the civil administrations investigation into the possibility that parcels of it were private Palestinian property.


That was a quote from today's Jeruselem Post.


The irony of planning a new city on West Bank land only days after reducing the Gaza strip to rubble & involving an estimated 20 year repair & reconstruction period could hardly be lost on even the most cynical.











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"Gaza reconstruction will take 20 years"


Oh dear. Let's not forget who started this entire incident. Let's not forget who was firing the rockets at Israel and refusing repeated attempts at a ceasefire. Let's not forget who was cowardly launching their rocket attacks from schools, hospitals and other high density civilian areas and preventing civilians from leaving areas. We can only hope the Palestinian electorate will see sense and vote this terrorist organisation out in the next round of elections. Hamas has a lot to answer for.

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"Oh dear. Let's not forget who started this entire incident"......interesting.......


When people from one continent lay claim and steal land from people in another continent (aka as the biggest heist of the 20th Century) problems will often occur. Unless God is also a real estate agent (amoungst other brilliant things) then I suggest this State of Israel has NO right to exist. If a state needs a full time, standing army just so it's people can go to the shops and walk their kids to school, after nearly seven decades, then that place is a failed state.

Israel has no right to exist. No right whatsoever.

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"Oh dear. Let's not forget who started this entire incident"......interesting.......


When people from one continent lay claim and steal land from people in another continent (aka as the biggest heist of the 20th Century) problems will often occur. Unless God is also a real estate agent (amoungst other brilliant things) then I suggest this State of Israel has NO right to exist. If a state needs a full time, standing army just so it's people can go to the shops and walk their kids to school, after nearly seven decades, then that place is a failed state.

Israel has no right to exist. No right whatsoever.


Jews are not a people from "another continent". They have been in that land for 4,000 years.


Even now, a majority of the Jewish population of Israel are Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews.


Fortunately, Israel's continued existence is not dependent on your approval.

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When "The Judean People's Front of Judea" lost in their revolts against the Romans they became, and remained a minority. Jews have been the minority in Palestine for the past 1,500 years. By the mid-1800s they were still in a minority, about 4% of the population. (Arabs were in the majority at around 85%) Before 1948 there were still only 30% of the population compared to 70% Arab. That makes a strong argument for suggesting the Ancient Levant is the ancestral home of the Arabs!! To suggest otherwise would seem utter bollocks. To further suggest that the present day jews were already there is also utter bollocks.

In 1948 over three million jews immigrated (Aliyah) from over 90 countries.

Sounds like a land grab to me.

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You'll note how no Israeli government is ever foolish enough to claim that the Occupied Palestinian Territories are all "their land". This is because, if that were so, they would be required to treat all the natives of that land as equals, rather than discriminating on the grounds of ethnicity. Instead, they undertake a creeping annexation of the Palestinians' territory, making sure that they can cleanse it of the undesirable natives, and continue to keep them in bantustans, deprived of rights

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