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Israeli Lebensraum


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Last night I learned something that I had not realised, I have been completely wrong in my assumption regarding the creation of the modern state of Israel.


I stupidly thought that it was common knowledge and understanding that when Israel was recognised it was the state of Israel that was being recognised, not that land was confiscated from its rightful owners and given to Jewish people!


But it's NOT common knowledge. So very many people believe that at the stroke of a pen tens of thousands of the Arab population in what had become todays Israel were suddenly disenfranchised and had their property taken from them.



Spook I hope you haven't interpreted my posts as saying this. I have said no such thing, nor implied it.


The issue of Settler expansion and their hilltop outposts etc is a very very different issue than the one you are raising here. As far as I am aware very few people have made any posts relating to what you are raising here, and so I am a little confused how you could have "learned something" "last night" about a topic which basically wasn't under discussion!

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The issue of Settler expansion and their hilltop outposts etc is a very very different issue than the one you are raising here.



Why do you keep calling them "settlers"? They are settled. Get over it.

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Well if other nutters, from other cults, take the whole shabang literally and believe in all the weird stuff along with some of the crazier verses from the Talmud I suppose those, suffering similar delusions, could be goaded into hating Jews.For example this will hardly endear you to other "faiths".... “The goyim are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b) “If you eat with a goy it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)"Even the best of the goyim should all be killed.” (Soferim 15) “All children of the goyim are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)And how about this ......The sucking on a bloody infant boy's penis. (metzitzah b’peh)Anyway, posters, I'm off to enjoy a roast beef sandwich, washed down with a glass of milk (from a dirty glass), wearing my sacred underwear whilst swinging a live chicken above my arse (or is it head?)Shabbat Shalom


Shabbat Shalom??? The Sabbath is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, not Sunday, you walter. And those quotes are all fake cut and pastes from the internet. The "goyim" quotes don't even make sense. If these were genuine translations of Talmudic Hebrew, they would have properly translated that word to "nations" ("goy" is nation, singular). It's only in modern times that the word has begun to be used as a colloquialism to refer to individuals who aren't Jewish. It's not derogatory either.

Ah memories! Way back when I was a Mit-na-dev on Kibbutz, we volunteers, (or Mitnadvim) loved Shabbat! Knock off early on a Friday, knock back a few cold Goldstars, scrub up, bite to eat, then the party began. Smoke enough dope to sedate Jeruselem and sit and sing Bob Dylan songs 'round the camp fire. Happiest days of my life. They don't do volunteer programs anymore, it all went capitalist, Kibbhtzniks wanted their own stuff, I guess, & didn't want to share. Awful shame for it was a great place for a young fella to get regularly laid (& sing Dylan tunes)

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quote name="Thomas Jefferson" post="931814" timestamp="1410104928"]

A year on a kibbutz and yet said "Shabbat Shalom" on a Sunday. My bullshit alarm is going off.......

I don't believe in God, or is it G-d, so I can say wtf I like about these inconvenient "holy days" Ask me anything about Kibbutz though,, late '70s!!! The buses were run by Egged, the IDF chicks did 2 years army, the lads 3. Hitch hiking was a breeze, everyone, even the army, picked you up. Ciggies we smoked were in a soft green packet and called Noblesse, El Al searched everything, even your toothpaste tube!! Bullshit alarm? Bullshit is YOUR speciality,

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quote name="Thomas Jefferson" post="931814" timestamp="1410104928"]

A year on a kibbutz and yet said "Shabbat Shalom" on a Sunday. My bullshit alarm is going off.......

I don't believe in God, or is it G-d, so I can say wtf I like about these inconvenient "holy days" Ask me anything about Kibbutz though,, late '70s!!! The buses were run by Egged, the IDF chicks did 2 years army, the lads 3. Hitch hiking was a breeze, everyone, even the army, picked you up. Ciggies we smoked were in a soft green packet and called Noblesse, El Al searched everything, even your toothpaste tube!! Bullshit alarm? Bullshit is YOUR speciality,


Reputation, such as any you might ever possibly have had gone out of the windows and for a variety of reasons.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I don't believe in God, or is it G-d, so I can say wtf I like about these inconvenient "holy days" Ask me anything about Kibbutz though,, late '70s!!! The buses were run by Egged, the IDF chicks did 2 years army, the lads 3. Hitch hiking was a breeze, everyone, even the army, picked you up. Ciggies we smoked were in a soft green packet and called Noblesse, El Al searched everything, even your toothpaste tube!! Bullshit alarm? Bullshit is YOUR speciality,




I am very reliably informed that Gut Shabbas would have been far more often used if for no other reason than Yiddish was the de facto lingua franca amongst European Jews who made up the majority of kibuzniks. As for Bob Dylan songs, that would be funny if it were not so tragic a thing to claim.


Interestingly the Jewish man who gave me the heads up on this and more also identified one of the antisemitic bits of low life, Mountain Hare, who has been so verbose on the IOM Today on line pages especially where the visit by the Israeli spokesman was concerned.


Rather interesting is all I'll say, but it does show that over here anonymity can at best only last for just so long.

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Good shabbos is more common among Ashkenazi Jews (European), but Shabbat Shalom is more common among the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews (Middle Eastern / Mediterranean) who make up a slight majority of the Jewish population in Israel. But you may be right about Ashkenazim making up the majority of the kibbutz populations. Some Israeli nationalists would distance themselves from Yiddish, which is Germanic, and opt for the Hebrew instead.


I've thought about posting on IOMToday but I prefer to just read it for a laugh during my lunch break. I don't like to get involved in arguments.

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quote name="Thomas Jefferson" post="931814" timestamp="1410104928"]A year on a kibbutz and yet said "Shabbat Shalom" on a Sunday. My bullshit alarm is going off.......
I don't believe in God, or is it G-d, so I can say wtf I like about these inconvenient "holy days" Ask me anything about Kibbutz though,, late '70s!!! The buses were run by Egged, the IDF chicks did 2 years army, the lads 3. Hitch hiking was a breeze, everyone, even the army, picked you up. Ciggies we smoked were in a soft green packet and called Noblesse, El Al searched everything, even your toothpaste tube!! Bullshit alarm? Bullshit is YOUR speciality,
Reputation, such as any you might ever possibly have had gone out of the windows and for a variety of reasons.You should be ashamed of yourself.


why?? What I do t'be ashamed....taking about my Kibbutz days..???


Shalom aleikhem...Laila-tov. Beseder??

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Good shabbos is more common among Ashkenazi Jews (European), but Shabbat Shalom is more common among the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews (Middle Eastern / Mediterranean) who make up a slight majority of the Jewish population in Israel. But you may be right about Ashkenazim making up the majority of the kibbutz populations. That being said, some Israeli nationalists see Yiddish as a part of past ghetto culture they would like to distance themselves from, and so they opt for the Hebrew instead. I've thought about posting on IOMToday but I prefer to just read it for a laugh during my lunch break. I don't like to get involved in arguments.

Do you get off the rock much??

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