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the EU high power Vacuum ban

Tempus Fugit

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If they didn't have to do all this really important stuff like banning vacuum cleaners they'd only have to focus on doing stuff like averting a war in the Ukraine or something ....

I don't know... Maybe letting them muck about with vacuum cleaners and kettles is a better idea than letting them muck about in Ukraine.


Just imagine what a cock up they could make of that.

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Whilst I appreciate that this a great way to rage about the EU (a la Daily Mail style) but isn't this actually about getting the manufacturers to design, engineer and build more efficient vacuum cleaners? Setting aside politics, isn't that actually a good thing?


Are there actually any links for the supposed incoming kettle legislation or is that just more man in the pub chat?

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There was a program about this on Radio 4 a day or so ago, the manufacturers were not against it, agreeing that designs will become more efficient.


I have a 1600cc diesel Volvo - 30-odd years ago a 1600cc diesel VW. Incentives to reduce emissions and improve efficiency have had a most amazing effect, I'll all in favour of these regulations.


We MUST stop burning up the planet...

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Sure DG but older vehicles are a special case because they are so inefficient (25-35%). Most electrical items (incandescent lamps being an exception) are very efficient and I see power reductions in reduced effectiveness which may result in the appliance being on longer.

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BB - these directives force designers to be more intelligent and not just use brute force. How often do you switch the kettle on but not use all the water you've boiled.


FWIW here's an excellent halogen oven I bought from Maplin for £30. Saves space, electricity and is so easy to use - recommended.



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We're on our second halogen oven, we wore the first one out from almost constant use where previously we would have used our conventional fan oven because the results for most things were so very good. A cinch to clean, quick, and all round brilliant (excuse the pun!)


We've also a purpose made steamer, again very efficient and very good and steamed veg is to my taste better than boiled veg. In addition the steamer is also very easy to clean which as one gets older is an important factor.

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Now as the IOM are not in the EU, here is an opportunity for the DED to get on their horses and bring a manufacturer of high powered vacs and kettles etc over here and make and sell them to the UK and Ireland, might solve our unemployment problems, also more money for the Treasury to waste, sorry, spend on things like the toilet tax and other austerity cuts they have done, and are planning.

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Now as the IOM are not in the EU, here is an opportunity for the DED to get on their horses and bring a manufacturer of high powered vacs and kettles etc over here and make and sell them to the UK and Ireland, might solve our unemployment problems, also more money for the Treasury to waste, sorry, spend on things like the toilet tax and other austerity cuts they have done, and are planning.


Ah - now I understand, EU legislation doesn't apply to products imported into the EU. Bet the Chinese are very happy aw well ...



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I suppose constantly cooking for one saves you a few quid as well.



Guess whose dog just ate the Cornish saffron cake I bought? I thought she was quiet in the back of the car...



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We're on our second halogen oven, we wore the first one out from almost constant use where previously we would have used our conventional fan oven because the results for most things were so very good. A cinch to clean, quick, and all round brilliant (excuse the pun!)


We've also a purpose made steamer, again very efficient and very good and steamed veg is to my taste better than boiled veg. In addition the steamer is also very easy to clean which as one gets older is an important factor.


Dial up 20 minutes, set to 190C, open lid, put Pukka Pie on the baking tray, return when it goes 'ding' with a nice cold beer from the fridge...



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Ah - now I understand, EU legislation doesn't apply to products imported into the EU. Bet the Chinese are very happy aw well ...





The ban is on manufacturing in or importing into the EU. I'm struggling to see the issue anyway, I just hoovered my whole apartment using a 1500 watt machine (that is at least ten years old and pretty knackered) and had no problems.


Any link on the supposed kettle issue, I can't find anything other than suggestion by newspapers?

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We're on our second halogen oven, we wore the first one out from almost constant use where previously we would have used our conventional fan oven because the results for most things were so very good. A cinch to clean, quick, and all round brilliant (excuse the pun!)


We've also a purpose made steamer, again very efficient and very good and steamed veg is to my taste better than boiled veg. In addition the steamer is also very easy to clean which as one gets older is an important factor.


Dial up 20 minutes, set to 190C, open lid, put Pukka Pie on the baking tray, return when it goes 'ding' with a nice cold beer from the fridge...




or 2mins @ 2.4GHz :lol:

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