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the EU high power Vacuum ban

Tempus Fugit

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Don't you just know that bloke ranting on that video is the sort of person that just shouts in your voice and thinks they are winning a discussion. Sounds like a total twat to me.


I repeat, how is making manufacturers produce more efficient machines a bad thing? Engineering needs to advance and I still haven't seen any evidence to support the suggestion that kettles, etc. will be next. I can find plenty of newspaper scaremongering but no actual evidence.

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We're on our second halogen oven, we wore the first one out from almost constant use where previously we would have used our conventional fan oven because the results for most things were so very good. A cinch to clean, quick, and all round brilliant (excuse the pun!)


We've also a purpose made steamer, again very efficient and very good and steamed veg is to my taste better than boiled veg. In addition the steamer is also very easy to clean which as one gets older is an important factor.


Dial up 20 minutes, set to 190C, open lid, put Pukka Pie on the baking tray, return when it goes 'ding' with a nice cold beer from the fridge...



or 2mins @ 2.4GHz :lol:

And the pie comes out stodgy.


With a halogen it gets properly baked and comes out crispy. No comparison.

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With a halogen it gets properly baked and comes out crispy. No comparison.



It does too - not just pies - this evening I'll be eating fish, baked for 25 minutes or so. Must buy a bag of spuds and try roast potatoes...

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Don't you just know that bloke ranting on that video is the sort of person that just shouts in your voice and thinks they are winning a discussion. Sounds like a total twat to me.


I posted it for your information, not as an indication that I support what they are saying. He claims less powerful vacuum cleaners or hair dryers will simply mean people have to use them more, which will then cancel out any electrical saving. Surely he is wrong -- surely less powerful could be more efficient and therefore not warrant the need to use the vacuum cleaner or hair dryer for a longer duration?

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Don't you just know that bloke ranting on that video is the sort of person that just shouts in your voice and thinks they are winning a discussion. Sounds like a total twat to me.


I posted it for your information, not as an indication that I support what they are saying. He claims less powerful vacuum cleaners or hair dryers will simply mean people have to use them more, which will then cancel out any electrical saving. Surely he is wrong -- surely less powerful could be more efficient and therefore not warrant the need to use the vacuum cleaner or hair dryer for a longer duration?

Of course. Possibly more expensive to manufacture in the case of vacuum cleaners but shouldn't be the case with hair driers. The old Pifco things were great and ran at well under the consumption of today's things as I recall. Had a tendency to blow up from time to time but hey! Part of their charm!

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We're on our second halogen oven, we wore the first one out from almost constant use


Clearly very good for the environment then, how much of it can be recycled? I use a conventional oven, current one has been fitted for 6 years and when it eventually breaks I would guess at least 90% of it can be recycled.

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When I first saw this a while back, my first reaction was to think the Euro people have gone mad.


I felt dissapointed, because I am a pro Europe person.


But thinking about it..... it makes sense.


A cleaner with high power is less efficient than a lower power device. Yes, it is slower, but the longer time difference to clean a room requires less energy than a high powered machine that just blows lots of air out.


Four swipes with a 1600 watt machine versus 3 swipes with a 2.5KW device. You need to think about how you use a cleaner.


Add to that the increased material requirement to manufacture higher wattage machines and we can gain a net benefit to the Earth.


The extra exercise a user gains from using a lower power machine might also help reduce health care bills.


Multiply it all by a few hundred million.


I hope this is the tip of the iceberg. And like many, I want to see big engined cars next. But that is a too political to happen.

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One aspect of high power vac cleaners is the amount of energy used in order to create the vortices that seperate the dust from air flowing through the machine.


Go back to vac cleaners that use washable bags or even disposable bags and save on the energy being used for what is in effect a gimmick.


If I could buy a new Hoover Junior today I would like a shot.

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