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Should these losers be allowed back into Great Britain?

Thomas Jefferson

Should they be allowed back  

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If many of us were Arab or Asian, from Iraq or Afghanistan, chances are we would follow the same course of action.


The most radicalised are second generation Muslims, born and bred in Britain.


These people are not patriots fighting for national liberation, which would possibly be commendable; they are fighting for ISIS which is a repulsive terror group going around murdering innocent people, raping children, chopping people's heads off, and ethnically cleansing entire communities because they have a different religion.


Don't put your often confused words into my mouth please.




What's not to like about that post, Albert? It just about sums-up IS. I forced myself to watch a video of a mother and father being forced to watch IS beheading their child; an 8 year-old, in a pink gingham dress, lovely sweet little thing, terrified out of her wits, all because they were christians who refused to convert. They then held the mother down and cut her head off, slowly, after slitting her throat. Ironically, they left the father to view their remains and spread the word that the same would happen to anyone who didn't convert to their brand of islam. I would provide the link but er, I don't think the reality would go down too well....

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If many of us were Arab or Asian, from Iraq or Afghanistan, chances are we would follow the same course of action.


The most radicalised are second generation Muslims, born and bred in Britain.


These people are not patriots fighting for national liberation, which would possibly be commendable; they are fighting for ISIS which is a repulsive terror group going around murdering innocent people, raping children, chopping people's heads off, and ethnically cleansing entire communities because they have a different religion.


Don't put your often confused words into my mouth please.




What's not to like about that post, Albert? It just about sums-up IS. I forced myself to watch a video of a mother and father being forced to watch IS beheading their child; an 8 year-old, in a pink gingham dress, lovely sweet little thing, terrified out of her wits, all because they were christians who refused to convert. They then held the mother down and cut her head off, slowly, after slitting her throat. Ironically, they left the father to view their remains and spread the word that the same would happen to anyone who didn't convert to their brand of islam. I would provide the link but er, I don't think the reality would go down too well....



I think it's actually illegal to even watch those videos, so I wouldn't share the links.

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This is not the ISIS thread. It is a thread about fighting in Syria.


I find it somewhat disturbing you felt forced to watch such a video too.



I felt forced to watch that video because it showed, with brutal clarity, the evil being perpetrated against innocent people by imported 'fighters'. It came up on a news media site which, unlike our own sources, portray these abominates in all their 'glory', the warts and all, so to speak. Maybe if our own media upped the ante a little and showed the barbarity in such a way, there'd be less humming and harring about this all-inclusive subject of terrorism and radicalisation and the threat it poses to us all.


That's the reality and I'm not easily squeamish, just dumb-founded that it's taking place. Many of those fighting in Syria, and elsewhere, are British, born and bred, they are colluding in atrocities that know no bounds. Would you really wish to see these maniacs coming back into Britain?


There is a massive problem just around the corner if their return is not somehow controlled. Some have already returned, re-inforced by their twisted ideology and using it to radicalise the already dis-enfranchised muslim youth of this country.


This is a serious thread, your only contribution is to take the piss out of TJ....



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So Al Qaeda has gone out of fashion and it's all ISIS now. So we tar everyone with that particular brush now?


Names are not violent, only men are. Similar atrocities happened on both sides throughout world war two. Men got away with murder. The same has happened in more recent conflicts.


The fact of the matter is they are different to us. ..and if we stopped sticking our beaks in telling them they need democracy and Christianity the world would be a better and safer place.


Leave them too it. If they want to live like that let them. If they pose a threat to us through advanced weapons, bomb them remotely back to the stone age. Make them accept they can't live here without adopting our values and culture, just as we expect to do if we moved to live in their country.

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''Make them accept they can't live here without adopting our values and culture...''


Now you really are having a laugh! And pray tell, just how would you go about enforcing this?


It's too late.


I'm quite disturbed at your suggestion we ''bomb them back to the stone-age''.

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I watched Camoron after the NATO conference and noticed that now these scum are being referred to not as ISIS nor yet IS, but instead as ISIL which apparently is Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.


Obviously there is now a propaganda 'shape public perception' agenda,in this case to present this Global uprising to create the Ummah not as the Global thing that it is but rather that it is a bit of localised trouble that can with a bit of effort will be contained and eliminated.


I wonder if it is what our politicians really think is all they are dealing with or if is now the imperative to stop Joe Public realising just what a threat has been allowed, no encouraged to become established.


I also wonder just what agenda Barack Hussein Obama is running because the foreign policy his administration has been executing is bizarre to say the very least.


Maybe this agenda to deal with the Ummah that he claims not to have as a result of which he is doing nothing actually IS to do nothing and allow the Ummah to go from strength to strength.


Now there's a thought and considering his actions where the 'Arab Spring' is concerned a thought to seriously consider.


I suspect that there is something of the night about Barack Hussein, especially considering the destructive things that he has been involved in where the USA national security is concerned and he opening of the Southern borders in effect to all and sundry.

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The fact of the matter is they are different to us. ..and if we stopped sticking our beaks in telling them they need democracy and Christianity the world would be a better and safer place.


What? The people under discussion are BRITISH. They already have democracy. And Christianity has nothing to do with it. These people are Islamic radicals. The world would be a better and safer place without radical Islam.


Leave them too it. If they want to live like that let them. If they pose a threat to us through advanced weapons, bomb them remotely back to the stone age. Make them accept they can't live here without adopting our values and culture, just as we expect to do if we moved to live in their country.


They already live here. They were born and raised here. "Their country" is Britain. Do keep up.

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So if I was married to someone from the Ukraine. And some of the family had been murdered and others were being threatened I'd have no right to go out there and defend them without facing jail time when I got back.


Once upon a time that would have been admirable. Cos it's white Christian guys going off doing it.

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So if I was married to someone from the Ukraine. And some of the family had been murdered and others were being threatened I'd have no right to go out there and defend them without facing jail time when I got back.


Once upon a time that would have been admirable. Cos it's white Christian guys going off doing it.


Of course you would have a right to go out there and defend them. But you wouldn't have a right to join a group of terrorists going around chopping kids' heads off, raping women, ethnically cleansing, etc, etc. ISIS are not a national liberation group of good guys; they are for the most part foreign insurgents seeking to impose a new order in the region. What the beep does being white or Christian have to do with anything? If white Christians were going around chopping people's heads off and ethnically cleansing, of course we would be against that. You are being silly to even suggest otherwise.

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Guess what TJIAT stands for. You're assuming they are all in ISIS from a Daily Mail report that spoke to one guy...who was supposedly speaking for 30 more? That's what the government want you to believe...so they can justify their next foreign policy actions.


Who cares?

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