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Should these losers be allowed back into Great Britain?

Thomas Jefferson

Should they be allowed back  

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They already live here. They were born and raised here. "Their country" is Britain. Do keep up.

Hmm this is the country whose values they seem to completely reject in favour of a better place with law that better suits their ideal life. When they come back because it's not what they imagined, have they also given up rejecting their original country?

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Guess what TJIAT stands for. You're assuming they are all in ISIS from a Daily Mail report that spoke to one guy...who was supposedly speaking for 30 more? That's what the government want you to believe...so they can justify their next foreign policy actions.


Who cares?

Maybe you consider ISIS more trustworthy than Western governments? It is quite astonishing that some people even now still don't see that we have a major challenge on our hands from Islamic extremism both at home and abroad and seem to think the whole thing is about Western aggression and oil.

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The fact of the matter is they are different to us. ..and if we stopped sticking our beaks in telling them they need democracy and Christianity the world would be a better and safer place.


What? The people under discussion are BRITISH. They already have democracy. And Christianity has nothing to do with it. These people are Islamic radicals. The world would be a better and safer place without radical Islam.


Leave them too it. If they want to live like that let them. If they pose a threat to us through advanced weapons, bomb them remotely back to the stone age. Make them accept they can't live here without adopting our values and culture, just as we expect to do if we moved to live in their country.


They already live here. They were born and raised here. "Their country" is Britain. Do keep up.

Their country of residence and the country of which they are citizens on our terms is Britain but not as they, and millions more see it. The state to which they are loyal is the tribe of islam.

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Their country of residence and the country of which they are citizens on our terms is Britain but not as they, and millions more see it. The state to which they are loyal is the tribe of islam.


This is the crux of the matter and what seems to be poorly understood. You have to think outside the norms that you have lived by all your life. Their mindset is totally different. It's the religion 1st, 2nd and always. The kaffir state and its laws are just something to put up with for now.

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I am with Albert on this one.


The problems in the Middle East go way back. And the west has always been sticking it's nose in.


Anyway, If you recall, when the Arab spring eventually made it to Syria, Putin backed the Asad regime. The west backed the rebels. But as always when war lords are allowed free reign, the most ruthless came out on top.


I seem to recall the rebels were seen as freedom fighters last year. The west was threatening to blockade Russian arms shipments to Assad. Maybe Putin was a bit more forward thinking ?


If there are people returning to the UK from that warzone, and if the security services have evidence of crimes committed, they should be sent to The Hague.


Could be difficult for America of course, because I don't think they ever signed up to that particular treaty.

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America will not send its citizens to an external court which aspires to be higher than their own. Good for them.



"in God we trust"


Americans hate justice. That's why they have the highest percentage of jailed citizens in the world. Approx 1-2% of all Americans are in jail at any given time.


That's why they have guns.


Americans want vengence. Not justice.


I am with Albert on this. Bush and Blair should be in the Hague. It was a bad combination. The son of the liberator of Kuwait and the first labour PM after Thatcher.


They wanted their glory to help with their next election campaigns.


How many people died because of their lies?


You really need to stop yourself in your tracks and think about this. What would you do if a superpower invaded your country and bombed your family. Just because the nutty guy in charge said something the superpower found offensive.


What if your bombed out house was sitting on top of billions of gallons of oil, and the victors oil wells were being sunk in your back yard under the protection of mercanaries with a license to kill.


And then, you need to ask yourself, and I mean think down really deep... are they lesser than you because their skin is slightly different. Does their facial unkempt hair offend you?


Lol. In the mid 80's I was in the British Army. Granted, I PVR'd before I finished basic. But at that time I was taught to do push ups on the grass and dig worms out with my teeth and destroy them. I was being indoctrinated with hatred. And the enemy at that time? China!!


Guess what?. Now I live happily in China, a country I feel proud to call my home.


No easy answer I guess.

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