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Wonderful News!


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Wonderful news that William and Kate are to have a second child!


It seems that the the Dutchess of Cambridge is experiencing severe morning sickness but hopefully she will receive the very best of care to minimise it.


It's good to see some really good news for a change!

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Wonderful news that William and Kate are to have a second child!


It seems that the the Dutchess of Cambridge is experiencing severe morning sickness but hopefully she will receive the very best of care to minimise it.


It's good to see some really good news for a change!

Good news, haha!?! For whom?


Yet more costs for the people, another parasite to feed off of us.


Down with the monarchy!!!!

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Wonderful news that William and Kate are to have a second child!

It seems that the the Dutchess of Cambridge is experiencing severe morning sickness but hopefully she will receive the very best of care to minimise it.

It's good to see some really good news for a change!

Good news, haha!?! For whom?

Yet more costs for the people, another parasite to feed off of us.

Down with the monarchy!!!!

Disgusting. Simply disgusting. You're writing about the British monarchy. Our island and we are a British Protectorate and should be very grateful that we are. Our monarch and the British monarchy are the envy of the Wrld.


I can imagine nothing worse than having an elected head of state, just think how awful it would have been to have Cheri Blair as our First Lady and yes, because of our status she would have been our first lady though the word lady would require a real stretch of imagination to use in her case.

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Good news, haha!?! For whom?


Yet more costs for the people, another parasite to feed off of us.


Down with the monarchy!!!!



It's always good news when a child is conceived. Maybe you did not know but Prince William is not "another parasite", he's served his country in the Royal Air Force and now works as an air ambulance pilot. Good on him. I expect his children will follow his lead and take up careers in addition to their royal duties. Have you ever looked at the schedule of the main royals? The Queen doesn't just sit around in a palace all day eating caviar. She's an extremely hard-working lady. Most other people her age would be retired, but still she goes on working. Good on her !

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I can imagine nothing worse than having an elected head of state, just think how awful it would have been to have Cheri Blair as our First Lady and yes, because of our status she would have been our first lady though the word lady would require a real stretch of imagination to use in her case.



I quite agree. Career politicians are invariably former lawyers, as Blair and Thatcher both were. I'd rather a king or queen than a lawyer as head of state.

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Baa Baa


You might want to read the physicist, inventor, FRSE, and Edinburgh University professor John Robison's 1797 book, Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, etc., collected from good authorities. In this work, he exposes a conspiracy against the monarchies of Europe by a secret organisation espousing republicanism but who were really wanting to do away with nation-states as we know them and bring in continental and later international totalitarian government run by an intellectual elite (themselves). These anti-monarchists had no real interest in democracy. They just want power for themselves. That same group of people with their agenda are extant today.

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