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Scotland The Brave!

Max Power

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SNP just think they'll get bailed out by the EU instead of the UK - what sort of independence is that?


Why can't they bail themselves out? If they are a sovereign nation they have the ability to print their own currency, rather than seek a debt-based currency from a central bank.


It's been tried. The markets are never fooled.



Neither are the bankers.

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SNP just think they'll get bailed out by the EU instead of the UK - what sort of independence is that?


Why can't they bail themselves out? If they are a sovereign nation they have the ability to print their own currency, rather than seek a debt-based currency from a central bank.


It's been tried. The markets are never fooled.



Neither are the bankers.


No, but they fooled many!

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SNP just think they'll get bailed out by the EU instead of the UK - what sort of independence is that?


Why would Scotland need to be bailed out by anyone? The Scots have always been a smart and industrious people; if anyone is able to run a country, they can. What is it with English civil servants who think they're god's administrative gift to the world, like nobody can run a country but them? India is another country of very smart and industrious people. The exact same arguments were being said about India during their independence struggle. Oh, they can't possibly run the country by themselves, was what we were told. Now look at them - a world superpower. I don't personally support independence, as I think it will lead to a race to the bottom with corporate taxation, but if they're going to do it then I wish them luck and hope they will prove you all wrong.

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India is another country of very smart and industrious people. The exact same arguments were being said about India during their independence struggle. Oh, they can't possibly run the country by themselves, was what we were told. Now look at them - a world superpower.

Hmmm. Try searching Google Images for Indian Wiring. Doesn't look to me like they'll be taking over the world any time soon.

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Corporate taxation is almost irrelevant because a race to the bottom means it will disappear. Besides, a well run corporation pays little or no corporation tax anyway.


Well, taxation in general, and also workers' pay. England and Scotland will end up in a race to the bottom to beg the nice corporations to please please please come and employ their citizens with ever-decreasing pay. Just look at the United States where even medium-sized businesses are able to manipulate states to compete with each other to offer them subsidies, deregulation and the ability to pay workers less. And dare anybody come in and talk about labour rights and they threaten to pull out of the state and go to another one less concerned about labour rights. Can't you see how that is a race to the bottom?

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At least Amazon aren't rip-off merchants. I bought a DVD from HMV last week and it was £3.99 more than one Amazon. If the argument is that they have staff and rental costs, maybe they should just close down their business or change it to adapt. I'd much rather it if online media made films cheaper. Why does iTunes charge more for a film than the physical DVD?

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At least Amazon aren't rip-off merchants. I bought a DVD from HMV last week and it was £3.99 more than one Amazon. If the argument is that they have staff and rental costs, maybe they should just close down their business or change it to adapt. I'd much rather it if online media made films cheaper. Why does iTunes charge more for a film than the physical DVD?

I am talking about staff and tax exploitation that is normally close to your heart. Or does your concern not extend to when you are the one getting the consequent low price?

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SNP just think they'll get bailed out by the EU instead of the UK - what sort of independence is that?


Why would Scotland need to be bailed out by anyone? The Scots have always been a smart and industrious people; if anyone is able to run a country, they can. What is it with English civil servants who think they're god's administrative gift to the world, like nobody can run a country but them? India is another country of very smart and industrious people. The exact same arguments were being said about India during their independence struggle. Oh, they can't possibly run the country by themselves, was what we were told. Now look at them - a world superpower. I don't personally support independence, as I think it will lead to a race to the bottom with corporate taxation, but if they're going to do it then I wish them luck and hope they will prove you all wrong.


have you ever been to india? its a bit like the iom although india have better healthcare

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