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Ian Paisley Dies

Albert Tatlock

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I never liked the rancid old bigot much myself, but to the best of my knowledge he never actually blew anyone up. There wouldn't have been so much need for a "peace process" if certain other Irish politicians and religious leaders had exercised similar restraint.

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I knew Dr. Paisley quite well. How was a very much better man than the media presented him. A man who did a very great deal that was good and who was party to bringing about an end to the Troubles in a way that ensured that the liklihood of a recommencement would be most unlikely.


At least for a number of years.

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He had the first car in Ulster with a catholytic converter.


Actually thee is a very great deal that Dr. Paisley did that has not and for many years probably will not become common knowledge that resulted in the environment that resulted in the Good Friday Agreement coming good.


He was not the loud mouthed rabble rouser that he created as his persona. Had it not been for him and what he did even if a cease fire and an administration in line with what is in place today had been established it would probably not have lasted six months before breaking down.


Never mind, what matters are his achievementsbut but it is a shame that his huge contribution to peace is largely unknown.

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Someone who's obituary depends very much on which narrative of history one accepts, rather like Margaret Thatcher. I was not completely convinced by Martin Mc Guiness's eulogy of 'a friend' on TV. I am more inclined to regret the repeated "No' and 'Never' statements over the years and can't help feeling settlement might have come sooner if Mr Paisley had adopted a conciliatory position earlier.


I actually see him more as one of the forces that required reconciliation rather than a prime mover for peace.

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