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Ian Paisley Dies

Albert Tatlock

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The same could never be said of Thatcher.



That's bollocks, she was the player in the Good Friday Agreement. Enda Kenny's quote on Margaret Thatcher's death;


Taoiseach Enda Kenny has also responded with a statement, writiting that "Mrs Thatcher was a formidable political leader who had a significant impact on British, European and world politics...her period of office came at a challenging time for British-Irish relations, when the violent conflict in Northern Ireland was at its peak, Mrs Thatcher signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement which laid the foundation for improved North-South cooperation and ultimately the Good Friday Agreement."



Think what you like of Maggie T she had courage with her convictions. Unlike the wet sops we have now. Thatcher's policies had sod all to do with me as I lived on the Isle of Man as I'm sure most of us did. There's nothing worse than indecision in my mind.

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I like Mrs Thatcher. Was watching a load of her PM's QT sessions yesterday. I think people don't care so much about left vs right, as much as they care about having a PM who is a real genuine person with a spine, who will stand up to special interest groups and do what has to be done regardless of popularity. We haven't had one since Thatcher. Would have been nice to have had Tony Benn but we landed up with Tony Bliar.

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I like Mrs Thatcher. Was watching a load of her PM's QT sessions yesterday. I think people don't care so much about left vs right, as much as they care about having a PM who is a real genuine person with a spine, who will stand up to special interest groups and do what has to be done regardless of popularity. We haven't had one since Thatcher. Would have been nice to have had Tony Benn but we landed up with Tony Bliar.


Interesting, it does appear that the days of the UK having true politicians with true emotions seems to have sadly passed. Benn and Thatcher held very different political views but at least they were passionate about what they said unlike the wet, career politicians in power and opposition now.


Why do you say "we" when talking about ending up with Tony Blair? Did you vote in the relevant elections in the UK?

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