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What's Cameron going to do now


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If Cameron resigned wouldn't some other Tory just take over?


Personally, as a Labour supporter, I think Milliband should go irrespective of the outcome in Scotland. For Labour to be supporting the "No" seems to turn its back on its principles, but to be supporting a "No" campaign which is basically just Tory lies and scaremongering is contemptible.

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If Cameron resigned wouldn't some other Tory just take over?


Personally, as a Labour supporter, I think Milliband should go irrespective of the outcome in Scotland. For Labour to be supporting the "No" seems to turn its back on its principles, but to be supporting a "No" campaign which is basically just Tory lies and scaremongering is contemptible.


Only if he could command a majority and hold the coalition together or form a minority government and win a confidence vote in the Commons, which means persuading some other party to at least abstain. Clegg must be desperate to get out to have freedom to campaign. Given there is no majority party and the UK now has fixed term parliaments it is, as I said, uncharted and interesting times.

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For a while now the various intelligence agencies have been collating information on ISIS. Their command and control, their logistics, their paymasters etc etc and doing endless SWOT analysis.

If you look at the various graphics of their influence it's all about the area comms rather than territory gained. This means that airstrikes can be very effective as they have to concentrate to advance and when they concentrate you get the best bang for your buck. Be aware that all the 300+ US "advisers" are Special Forces with targeting equipment. Laser designators and so forth and it seems they've been kept quite busy.

So ISIS can be contained by airstrikes but to finish them off you need boots on the ground. This means forming partnerships with such as the Iranian Pasdaran. I mean, a co-operative venture between the Great Satan and the Mad Mullahs - unthinkable until you realise that Iran is predominately Shia and the last thing they want is a Sunni Caliphate on their borders.

My enemy's enemy is my friend is the way forward. We will see....

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Scots independence wouldn't take effect till 2016. Labour have the most to lose. In 2015 even if Labour got a majority it could be gone in 2016.


I think Scottish independence could help to mobilise the English working class, especially in the North, into actually getting out and voting for a change in the next general election. If I was a working class person in the North of England, I'd be worried -- worried enough to vote. Unfortunately, some of them may be duped into voting UKIP which will divide the vote.

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TJ, to ensure a Labour victory they need the working class to vote Labour in the south east. They will vote Labour in London, look at the Euro election results, but I feel that they may vote UKIP outside of London. Still that may stop the Tories

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UKIP will get maybe 1 or max 2 MPs. ..if they are that lucky. That's only those very tight Tory marginals where UKIP could possibly advance (2 or 3 areas max). Where there's no chance, the UKIP vote will swing back tory.


UKIP supporters invariably head back to the tories. Not Labour.

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Who are the working class in the south east voting for? Have they been brainwashed into voting Tory, or are they just not voting? It's hard to believe they could be outnumbered, as even the most well-to-do areas require a majority of the workforce to be made up of the great unwashed. Labour need to step it up a bit and stop putting forward spineless toffs to lead them.

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Does any of it really matter? What's the IOM got any influence over anyway? Is in the next 5 years whatever government get in, in the UK, and whatever they do to ISIS or whoever, really going to be an influence on your life, your security and peace of mind, the price you pay to buy or rent where you live, how long you wait for an operation, or your job security on the island?

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Does any of it really matter? What's the IOM got any influence over anyway? Is in the next 5 years whatever government get in, in the UK, and whatever they do to ISIS or whoever, really going to be an influence on your life, your security and peace of mind, the price you pay to buy or rent where you live, how long you wait for an operation, or your job security on the island?

It's all a question of whose teat you suck on next...

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Who are the working class in the south east voting for? Have they been brainwashed into voting Tory, or are they just not voting? It's hard to believe they could be outnumbered, as even the most well-to-do areas require a majority of the workforce to be made up of the great unwashed. Labour need to step it up a bit and stop putting forward spineless toffs to lead them.


They're voting as they always have. Conservatives. They always will do, as will all of the other people that don't have to work for a living. Here in Essex, any one who works votes for Tory. We live in a very well to do county with very little unemployment.


The Labour voters in the north however....................... ;)



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The keyboard warrior in me is inclined to Boredom's solution, although at a more philosophical level I doubt it would end well or have the desired result.


To me the answer to all this is in the hands of the leaders of the Islamic faith. Individually they might say how shocking and repulsive they find these acts of barbarism, but what is needed is total and unequivocal condemnation of any acts of terrorism. What little I know about it suggests that the Quran is the absolute word of god to them and not open to any interpretation. That's a tricky one for sure.


Maybe the answer is to secrete Pink Floyd's sound system in Mecca and have the voice of god himself issue some updated rules. Morgan Freeman doing the narration....?

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