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Moon - Aliens - another conspiracy or.......


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I tend to vagrantly wander through you tube, sometimes looking for music, other times looking for an amazing or funny event and not sure how I got to this, but the conspiracy theories and suchlike on the moon was at least interesting.

I know, tin foil hat time again, but you have to look at it in a couple of ways - The many images and videos of events supposedly happening on the moon is either real or it's false and who knows these days as you wouldn't expect the Government to admit that there's aliens on the moon, but is there something there or not?


On this topic, your mission is to find the best proof of alien life on the planet moon.

Post your best link and the two categories are:

1/ The most outrageously funny clip of aliens on the moon


2/ The most positive clips of aliens or unusual events of aliens on the moon


have fun :) as I know I did

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Which moon you talking about?

I would assume any planet moon, or he would have said The Moon.


I saw a video once about some very friendly ladies who lived on a moon, some of the things they got up to seemed very alien, I'll have a look to see if it's on an internet and post a link.

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you wouldn't expect the Government to admit that there's aliens on the moon,

Why not?


Thousands of scientists dedicate their lives to studying the moon - Lunar Space Missions past, present and future can be found here and a list of current scientific papers (and a bit of Google chaff) can be found here.


Robust defendable evidence of alien life on the moon or anywhere else would be gold dust for a scientist to present.


There are multi-million pound efforts to find alien life - SETI - many of which are privately funded and so can say and do what they want without "the Government" being able to stop them.


Is the Indian Government and the Chinese Government also keeping mum about this - they've active lunar programs (link1, link2).


"You've got to keep an open mind" some people will say: not the the extent your brain falls out.


If you are using youtube for evidence of aliens you are going very very wrong.


There's loads of real work going on investigating this issue and they will publish it and try and get on the front page of every major newspaper in the world if they ever have any defendable evidence that life exists extraterrestrially.



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