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Moon - Aliens - another conspiracy or.......


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There are some who believe human beings were once much more advanced than we are now and that a worldwide or even solar system wide calamity or war resulted in our ancestors being reduced back to the Stone Age.

lots not some


and there is shed loads of evidence.


try Lloyd Pye Everything you know is wrong - he is brilliant


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Yes he's brilliant at regurgitating complete twaddle from other conspira-tainment merchants like Vedic Creationist Michael Cremo, the author of 'Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race'.


As this is a thread about conspiracy theories and the moon, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned David Icke and his hallow moon theory. David seems to think the moon is an artificial machine put in the earth's orbit by spacefaring reptilians and that it's a giant holographic projector which keeps human beings in an artificial version of reality like in the film 'The Matrix'. rolleyes.gif

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Yes he's brilliant at regurgitating complete twaddle from other conspira-tainment merchants like Vedic Creationist Michael Cremo, the author of 'Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race'.



complete twaddle? can you detail which parts he got wrong?

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China, once again you have completely missed the thrust of a thread.


It's a bit of fun, re-read the OP.


Please don't derail the thread any further, unless of course your 'hush hush' job is actually with the MOD and you're part of the government disinformation machine in regards to UFOs.

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complete twaddle? can you detail which parts he got wrong?

Total and complete and utter twaddle on the Oort cloud - the discoveries of larger than Pluto minor planets out in the far Oort cloud and the collection missions bringing comet samples back to Earth make what he is saying totally and utterly wrong.
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