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Aids: Origin

Albert Tatlock

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My goodness CrossRoss - HIV has never been isolated? You are very wrong there. How do you think the scientists did the original research the BBC was reporting on - you can read the abstract etc here.



it does not look like they have actually isolated the virus to me from this reference.


all i need is a picture and a reference,


I do not wish to do a postdoctoral research literature review in my spare time - if you are correct then a picture is out there somewhere - should be easy

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My goodness CrossRoss - HIV has never been isolated? You are very wrong there. How do you think the scientists did the original research the BBC was reporting on - you can read the abstract etc here.



it does not look like they have actually isolated the virus to me from this reference.


all i need is a picture and a reference,


I do not wish to do a postdoctoral research literature review in my spare time - if you are correct then a picture is out there somewhere - should be easy



That abstract is one paragraph! You are coming across as a bit of weirdo you know?

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My goodness CrossRoss - HIV has never been isolated? You are very wrong there. How do you think the scientists did the original research the BBC was reporting on - you can read the abstract etc here.



it does not look like they have actually isolated the virus to me from this reference.


all i need is a picture and a reference,


I do not wish to do a postdoctoral research literature review in my spare time - if you are correct then a picture is out there somewhere - should be easy



That abstract is one paragraph! You are coming across as a bit of weirdo you know?


yes, all i am asking for is a picture


some evidence i can see and understand, if that makes me a weirdo then so be it.


heretics are not generally loved by the faithful

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The way I read the article is that the cross species jump was through handling bushmeat. How it spread in the human population was sexually and through the use of unsterilised needles. I don't see anything about black men having sex with chimpanzees. Perhaps I am just gullible (or can read).

I agree with this as it was the main point I picked out. There was never any suggestion that any Congolese shagged monkeys. They tracked the virus jumping to a small group through ingested bush meat, and then a high incidence of STDs treated by antibiotic injections with suspiciously unclean needles as the initial transmission mechanism to the wider population. It's plausible to any non tinfoil hat wearers. I'd love to believe it was a US government plot against the gay population but it's not really that likely.

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you can read the abstract etc here.

it does not look like they have actually isolated the virus to me from this reference.

CrossRoss - the paper documents not only the isolation of HIV from tissues kept from different times, but also the taking of these isolates and sequencing the RNA within them and examining how these sequences are different as mutations have occurred over time.


You cannot do this work if you haven't isolated the virus. Do you understand that?

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Back in my medical school days we had a short attachment at an infectious diseases hospital. It was 1991 and HIV/AIDS was big news, being just a few years after the government's 'Don't Die of Ignorance' campaign, and around the time of Freddie Mercury's death.


I seem to remember that back then there was a theory, propounded by a 'maverick' scientist by the name of Duesberg, that HIV was not the cause of AIDS, and instead it was due to something else such as drug addiction. Thabo Mbecki (probably spelt that wrong) of South Africa pushed a similar line. I remember asking my supervising consultant at the time what he thought of Duesberg's theory. He assured me it was rubbish, as Koch's postulates - the defining features of a transmissable disease - had been, unfortunately, satisfied in the case of HIV/AIDS.


More plausible is the theory that HIV was spread around Africa by the WHO during the smallpox eradication campaign, as needle sterility then wasn't what it is now.


There is nothing new in CrossRoss' conspiracy theories.


ETA - wiki links

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