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Aids: Origin

Albert Tatlock

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It is the hight of arrogance for man to presume he knows how The Lord created the mechanisms that govern the whole of creation. We can observe what happens, we can even understand what happens in many cases but that is all.


So you believe it, but don't know why you believe it?


Emperor's new clothes...



On the contrary. I and the rest of God's people know exactly why we believe in th love of The Lord. We have faith and trust in Him without needing to understand all things. Try reading John 20 19 : 31.

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It is the hight of arrogance for man to presume he knows how The Lord created the mechanisms that govern the whole of creation. We can observe what happens, we can even understand what happens in many cases but that is all.

So you believe it, but don't know why you believe it?


Emperor's new clothes...



On the contrary. I and the rest of God's people know exactly why we believe in th love of The Lord. We have faith and trust in Him without needing to understand all things. Try reading John 20 19 : 31.



>Try reading John 20 19 : 31.


Is that the one where Joseph's stepson fed 5000 people with a couple of fishes and five loaves of bread?


Yeh, righto, we're back wearing the Emperor's clothes again...


I mean, I've no problems with you and your faith (nor the Catholics, Muslims, in fact any faith at all)...but really, even you must admit that one or two biblical stories are a bit far fetched. Don't stand too closer scrutiny if you get my drift.



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I was waiting for the "show me a picture of the AIDS virus" sentence - I've seen that posted on so many of the local chemtrails/truthers rants that it was almost inevitable it would be posted, made me smile when it happened. Similar reaction of denial when the link to the picture was supplied too. It's almost as if there's an accepted bible-like canon or commonality of belief growing in the delusional community.

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I was waiting for the "show me a picture of the AIDS virus" sentence - I've seen that posted on so many of the local chemtrails/truthers rants that it was almost inevitable it would be posted, made me smile when it happened. Similar reaction of denial when the link to the picture was supplied too. It's almost as if there's an accepted bible-like canon or commonality of belief growing in the delusional community.

jeremy, jeremy clarkson is that really you?

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It is the hight of arrogance for man to presume he knows how The Lord created the mechanisms that govern the whole of creation. We can observe what happens, we can even understand what happens in many cases but that is all.


So you believe it, but don't know why you believe it?


Emperor's new clothes...



Did you bother to read the reference? It has nothing to do with the Sermon on the Mount.



On the contrary. I and the rest of God's people know exactly why we believe in th love of The Lord. We have faith and trust in Him without needing to understand all things. Try reading John 20 19 : 31.

>Try reading John 20 19 : 31.


Is that the one where Joseph's stepson fed 5000 people with a couple of fishes and five loaves of bread?


Yeh, righto, we're back wearing the Emperor's clothes again...


I mean, I've no problems with you and your faith (nor the Catholics, Muslims, in fact any faith at all)...but really, even you must admit that one or two biblical stories are a bit far fetched. Don't stand too closer scrutiny if you get my drift.



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It is the hight of arrogance for man to presume he knows how The Lord created the mechanisms that govern the whole of creation. We can observe what happens, we can even understand what happens in many cases but that is all.

So you believe it, but don't know why you believe it?


Emperor's new clothes...



On the contrary. I and the rest of God's people know exactly why we believe in th love of The Lord. We have faith and trust in Him without needing to understand all things. Try reading John 20 19 : 31.




George Carlin on the 10 commandments

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That article's only interesting as an insight into the paranoia, delusions and USA-centricity of conspiracy nuts. It's demonstrably false.


AIDS was documented in 1959, and had been around for decades before 1981 (see the cases of Ardouin Antonio, Robert Rayford, Arvid Noe, Grethe Rask for example), but it wasn't until the 1981 cluster of PCP/Kaposi's cases in the USA that it became of clinical significance and was studied properly. The Antonio and Rayford cases show that it had been around in the USA for a long time before 1981.


Have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_early_HIV/AIDS_cases if you can read it without going off on a rant about how Wikipedia, Snopes and Monsanto are in league with the US Government.


I remember listening to a story from a local elderly nurse who remembered a very odd case of immuno-deficiency she'd encountered early in her career, and how she didn't make sense of it until the research into AIDS came along. It's possible it's been lurking around for a long time.

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