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Nobel Peace Prize


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Personally I am delighted that Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi have won the Nobel Peace Prize.



There is so much bigotry and violence against women and their right to be educated.


I believe it is right for the Nobel Academy to recognize the bravery of young people standing up and insisting that they are able to learn even in the face of brutal violence and a proud rejection of knowledge and learning, too often because of religious and cultural intolerance.


Malala Yousafzai has been an articulate voice for education.


Brilliant news.

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Waste of time, waste of an award. This is a thing that can NEVER be changed.


I absolutely believe that this time the peace prize should have been awarded to Putin.


Wow, you can even bring yourself to praise a young woman (child even) who is brave enough to stand up for them self and others in the face of massive adversity. You're really a nasty piece of work at times, hope you feel ashamed.

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Waste of time, waste of an award. This is a thing that can NEVER be changed.


I absolutely believe that this time the peace prize should have been awarded to Putin.


Wow, you can even bring yourself to praise a young woman (child even) who is brave enough to stand up for them self and others in the face of massive adversity. You're really a nasty piece of work at times, hope you feel ashamed.

I think you mean 'can't' but that aside it's not a case of recognising someone standing up again to massive adversity, it is that her doing so is pointless. There is simply no way that she or anybody can alter what is set in concrete in the qur'ran. Can't be done, waste of time. Better to spend the kudos where it will have some positive effect and had it not been for Putin standing against the UK and the USA desire to attack Assad the present awful situation would have been very much worse. Add to that his patience and the constraint he has shown over the EU and USA involvement in the illegal overthrow of the Ukraine once again a bad situation would now be very much worse.

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Waste of time, waste of an award. This is a thing that can NEVER be changed.


I absolutely believe that this time the peace prize should have been awarded to Putin.

Wow, you can even bring yourself to praise a young woman (child even) who is brave enough to stand up for them self and others in the face of massive adversity. You're really a nasty piece of work at times, hope you feel ashamed.

I think you mean 'can't' but that aside it's not a case of recognising someone standing up again to massive adversity, it is that her doing so is pointless. There is simply no way that she or anybody can alter what is set in concrete in the qur'ran. Can't be done, waste of time. Better to spend the kudos where it will have some positive effect and had it not been for Putin standing against the UK and the USA desire to attack Assad the present awful situation would have been very much worse. Add to that his patience and the constraint he has shown over the EU and USA involvement in the illegal overthrow of the Ukraine once again a bad situation would now be very much worse.

Leaving aside the question of whether Putin is deserving of a Nobel Peace prize, what an odious and illogical view you express under condition of anonymity, 'Spook'.


If what you say is remotely true, there would be no education of women in Muslim States. There would be no Muslim young women in higher education in the UK, since you imply that the Quran explicitly forbids it. The fact is that the book, like any religious text, is open to varied interpretation.

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You would do well to learn about a thing before jumping to snap opinions. What that girl did achieved nothing nor could it. It is interesting to read the comments section in a number of UK newspapers, the majority express the same opinion as me. It is a waste of an award however after being awarded to barack hussein obama not to mention the piece of human excrement arafat (better called what a rat) it really is a busted flush.

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I have to echo Mojo and Guzzi, you sound like a nasty piece of work here Spook.


Your prejudice is really showing. As Guzzi says education in reason, evidence and humanitarian thinking has advanced in all parts of the world over time.


Fundamentalists of various shades have attempted to stop this and have sometimes succeeded, but the overall trend quite definitely isn't one where a brave person achieved nothing nor could they. Quite the opposite huge progress has been made.


Much, much is still to do, but what Malala has done has inspired many more.


Your lack of generosity is sadly not out of character for you, nor is your blindness to people's efforts to make a better world.

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I have to echo Mojo and Guzzi, you sound like a nasty piece of work here Spook.


Your prejudice is really showing. As Guzzi says education in reason, evidence and humanitarian thinking has advanced in all parts of the world over time.


Fundamentalists of various shades have attempted to stop this and have sometimes succeeded, but the overall trend quite definitely isn't one where a brave person achieved nothing nor could they. Quite the opposite huge progress has been made.


Much, much is still to do, but what Malala has done has inspired many more.


Your lack of generosity is sadly not out of character for you, nor is your blindness to people's efforts to make a better world.


I am what I am. I am content with what I am. I couldn't care less what other people think.

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This is fantastic news, and we're a bit short on that lately.


Spook: You're a very silly boy.

Based on readers comments in a wide range of newspapers I am very far from being alone in my views.


Mail, Express, Star, Sport, Watchtower? Or perhaps I've got this wrong and it'll be the FT, Guardian and the Economist.

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Since winning the Nobel peace prize Barak Obama has had 7 (seven) countries bombed




So while it's very nice and all that these people and their very important work has been recognised the actual award is a worthless piece of junk.

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I think that's sadly too often true when it is given to politicians but in this instance it has been awarded to a very brave young woman who is prepared to stand up for what she believes in. She had nothing other than her own cause to realise and everything to lose. Yes it is effectively a meaningless award but aren't they all, however I truly believe she deserves recognition. When Internet warriors like Spook are as brave as someone who is abused and shot yet still stands up for what they truly believe in then I'll listen to them.

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