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Nobel Peace Prize


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I think that's sadly too often true when it is given to politicians but in this instance it has been awarded to a very brave young woman who is prepared to stand up for what she believes in. She had nothing other than her own cause to realise and everything to lose. Yes it is effectively a meaningless award but aren't they all, however I truly believe she deserves recognition. When Internet warriors like Spook are as brave as someone who is abused and shot yet still stands up for what they truly believe in then I'll listen to them.

Recognition, absolutly yes, but the NPP is inappropriate.
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I don't see why it is inappropriate. She is bravely promoting education and social freedom for oppressed woman. She has been shot in the process and is still under threat. She isn't a world leader with endless security and alterior motives (like Putin, Obama, Blair, etc.), she is an individual standing up for well meaning beliefs. If the freedom of individuals and promotion of free education isn't a thing to support and reward I welcome your explanation as to why it isn't appropriate?

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I don't see why it is inappropriate. She is bravely promoting education and social freedom for oppressed woman. She has been shot in the process and is still under threat. She isn't a world leader with endless security and alterior motives (like Putin, Obama, Blair, etc.), she is an individual standing up for well meaning beliefs. If the freedom of individuals and promotion of free education isn't a thing to support and reward I welcome your explanation as to why it isn't appropriate?

The NPP is not the appropriate award. In fact since its devaluation to beneath worthless by being given to obama and even worse arafat she deserves something much more appropriate for the stand that she took. Just a shame it was a total waste of effort where she took it.
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