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Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas

the mo beats experience

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I think to be able to save the game you have to do the first mission...didn't realise that there was a learjet at the first airport, I'll be giving that a fly tonite methinks!


If you want some decent weapons at the start of the game ( without cheating ) climb on your house and there is a tec 9 pistol that you can reach by jumping across the roof's.


Anyone managed to get 2 guns yet?

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I`m trying to earn money without cheating (Stav) !!

I`ve enjoyed playing space invader games and gambling on the horses.

Will be flying high tonight I think.

I`ve noticed that there is a distinct lack of performance cars though.

And as for the dance moves in the car - well ??

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Why ruin the pace of the game through cheating? If it's anything like the other games in the series, the good cars and guns and stuff will come unlocked as you progress through the misions.


I've been mugging people for money, and doing taxi missions.

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I'll have to agree there, don't enjoy cheating until I feel there's nothing else to do or see ( which may take a bit of time ). Haven't really played the arcade games yet, any idea on how many different ones there are?


As for making money easily and quickly, keep your eyes open for crack dealers ( one kind is dressed all in black the other wears a white hoody ). Just walk up behind them and shoot em in the head, they can drop up to 2,000 dollars at a time!

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I found alot of the gangsters are carrying money/weapons, so its nick a car and plough straight into them.


Where do you bet on the horses, sounds like it could be fun.


I have amazed myself the my fav mode of transport is the BMX, great fun riding around trying to do stunts.


The worst point so far for me is the radio, a great asset in Vice City, but I just find most of the music annoying.


I am stuck on a mission were you have to drive to Bala(?) gangland for a drive-by, where do you go??! I have been driving around for ages.

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Whenever I follow a marker it turns out to be a cluckin bell (or whatever its called) chicken place. It was late last night though, and I had a tough day so I will be trying again tonight all refreshed.

Best addition has to be the swimming, It was so annoying in VC that the toughest mobster in town couldn't manage the doggie paddle.

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I find it easier if you turn everything off on the map apart from markers, you don't get confused, alternatively use the circle button whilst looking at the map to drop your own waypoint on where you need to go then all you need to do is aim for the bright red dot...


I'm aiming for total control of all the gangland turf today! Ain't nothing but a G thang! :D


I'm not too sure on the music myself, however I can't help but smile when doctor dre comes on over the radio! If only you could fit a radio to the BMX...

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I find it easier if you turn everything off on the map apart from markers, you don't get confused, alternatively use the circle button whilst looking at the map to drop your own waypoint on where you need to go then all you need to do is aim for the bright red dot...


I'm aiming for total control of all the gangland turf today! Ain't nothing but a G thang!  :D


I'm not too sure on the music myself, however I can't help but smile when doctor dre comes on over the radio! If only you could fit a radio to the BMX...



Radio X for me, nothing like a bit of RATM whilst being chased by loads cops!

(or a bit of K-DST, just to hear DJ Axl :D )

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