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Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas

the mo beats experience

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I think it is downtown somewhere, can't remember exactly <_< but it is called the interglobal film ( or TV ) studio. You can't miss it when you drive past it has bright blue high fenced walls and the roof's are orange. I have a feeling it may be by the train station. I'll have a look for it tonite and get some more definite directions...


did you know that when you are in a low-rider with hydrolics, hitting R3 will hold the car in position? Means you can drive round on 3 wheels, pointless but midly entertaining during drivebys :blink:

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What a game! Bought it last night. F*cking ace. Im just curious how many missions do you have to do to get to the second island? Im upto the bit where you and big smoke have to go after the train and where carl and ryder rob the army place. Not too sure about dancing to get into the DJ's van <_< For someone that plays in a band, my timing on that is poor. I think ill have a late night bust when i get in tonight, see if i can get closer to the second island........

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Fair way to go, plan B, I`m afraid.

I keep thinking "one more and I`m there" but no such luck.

Perhaps Kos can help ?

I`m up to the job where we have to steal some rhyme book or something like that. Have to creep around the house "stealth killing" the guards.


Cleaned out the guttering today so didn`t have long to play !

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Inspector, you've got a good while to go yet until the second Island opens up.


Managed to locate all 100 tags over the weekend :D ( what a mission that was ), it gives you a good deal of respect and you get an AK47, Tec9, pistol and molotov cocktails spawning at your house in Orange Grove.


I'm begining to miss the old stomping ground so may have to pay the ballas a visit just so they don't forget the CJ :P


I found an SMG at the church by the train station ( where you meet Cesar )...

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Managed to locate all 100 tags over the weekend  ( what a mission that was ),


Amazing!! Well done!


I have trouble finding 1 when I'm looking for them. Usually notice a few when in the middle of a mission though and I am unable to spray them.


You must have clocked up a few hours now K??


Do you think its better to do all the missions of one person(ie Big Smoke, Tenpenny) first, or to scatter them round (ie do a BS mission, then a 10p mission, then a Ryder mission), or does it really matter which order they are done in?

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I'm guessing at about 30 hours in so far, it is just too easy to get stuck into the game and do nothing but sightsee, getting into the occasional fracas with the cops..


Boba I don't think it really matters which missions you do, I was jumping from one set to another and back again.


Got my sawn-off shotgun level up to hitman! I can now weild twin sawn off shotguns ( great for crowd control!! ) :lol:

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I am extremly stuck on the big smoke mission when you have to follow the train. The last guy just dosent die, any tips?


Iv done all the ryder missions, most of OG's too.

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Trick to that one is to ride your bike on the very edge of the track. When you go through the tunnel, you're actually scraping against the wall.


Also the bit where you go up the ramp, take the left side and shoot the train as it comes through.


Not too hard once you suss it.

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Cheers, ill give it a shot in a bit.


I'm going out with a girl called denise but she never seems to be in <_<


I just did the mission where you can start getting other gangs territory too, thats pretty good.

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Just shoot the bitch in the head and be done with her, that will teach her to mess you about!


So after spraying all 100 tags I've now discovered there are photographs that I have to take in San Feirro ( 50 in all )! more things to look for, looks like the missions will be taking a sideline again. :D


I've noticed as well that on certain radio stations you get news broadcasts that actually report on things that you've done, a really nice touch...

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Didn't find the tag reward all that useful, by the time you have the 100, you're not really spending much time back in groves.


Found the dune buggy last night, that's bloody cool. Didn't last long though, doh!


Best thing for those outdoor areas is definately the trials bike.

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