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Belgium - Health Minister and fight against Obesity


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Maggie De Block, who is responsible for the health of Belgium and their rising obesity problem.



The post states that Maggie has reportedly an excellent reputation in government and to her critics, De Block says, “”I know I'm not a model but you have to see what’s inside, not the packaging.”


Good luck to her, although I'm sure her size will be an issue

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Playing devil's advocate: a super obese person like her is going to know a lot of the problems of obesity.


It IS a problem, abeit a first world problem. My main problem with it is it's EASY to get and eat loads of junk food. It's not easy at all to eat healthily if you've never done it before.


Average tubby person:

What should I buy? Hmmm, I've got a fiver on me, so let's see...

a) a tasty pizza (1000 kcal) and an £1 300g pack of chocolate digestives (1500 kcal and no nutritional value)

b) some veg or meat or pasta - oh sod it give me the pizza.


So yes, there is no easy answer because junk food is so cheap and prevalent. And delicious. However a fat person like her at least knows the pitfalls of an easy fix such as this, whereas a very healthy and slim person might just think and plan for "Well, stop eating junk and just eat healthy... duh!"


In fact I'm pretty sure that's what the plan is on obesity in the UK at the minute

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Personally, I think that those involved in direct healthcare, and those that make pronouncements on public health should practice what they preach. I routinely advise patients that they need to lose weight - I don't think that would cut much mustard if I was massively overweight myself. Same goes for those that appear in the media telling us all how we need to stop smoking, drink sensibly and not be obese - who's going to take notice if they're saying this while smoking a fag, drinking a pint and eating a pork pie?

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