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Schoolboy killer sentenced to life imprisonment

Shake me up Judy

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I have read through this thread with some interest. I am not in favour of the death penalty for many reasons but to me the risk of a false conviction remains to high.


This is despite me being very close to one major case that has been mentioned in this thread.


I happened across this section from Last Week Tonight the other day and I thought it actually touches on some good points. It is from the USA and discusses the death penalty.


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  • 4 weeks later...

If someone wilfully murders someone else, either for gain, or personal satisfaction, then I am all for the death penalty.


If someone murders someone else, and it is supposed that the murderer has a mental illness, then the death penalty is completely inappropriate. The murderer is clearly not responsible for their actions, and deserves to be treated with compassion.


I do not believe that individuals like this can be cured. The state has a responsibility to look after these individuals for the rest of their life, in a secure place.


As for the psychiatrists who insist that these people are cured, and can be let out, well ... maybe we need to find some secure accommodation for them as well.

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