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Shoprite: Always Regret It


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Every time I go to shoprite I regret it. Why are the staff there so universally poor? They're either 15 and don't give a damn, 90 and deaf or polish with no eeenglish.


My grandads birthday, I want to buy him some shopping vouchers, it's what he wants. He goes to shoprite.


"Can I have some vouchers please"


"What is wouchers?"


"You know, gift wo, I mean Vouchers"


"What walue gift wouchers?"


She then rings the little bell of doom, which means you're going to be stood there with the glare of the people behind you in the queue for a long while...


In fact, so long that I gave up. Nobody appeared, despite frequent rings of bells. Bloody awful. I'd much rather support a local company and all that, but why are the staff so bloody awful?

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I can see what you're saying, but not everyone who works there is like that! I worked for Shoprite for about 3 1/2 years while I was doing A levels and I always tried to be polite and helpful to all customers (despite being faced with some of the rudest bastards you could ever meet.)


Believe me, all staff hate ringing the 'bell of doom', because most of the time, you're sat there for what seems like an eternity like a complete tit while receiving glares from other customers in the queue.


I learned two important things from working in Shoprite. Don't be a dickhead when you've got a problem with something, chances are it's nothing to do with the person you're having a go at. And second, never work in customer services.

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Which branch was this at, Douglas I presume?


I've always found Port Erin to be pretty good. Even when they ring that little bell and the light starts flashing.


Even funnier when the cashier shouts accross the store to their colleague "How much are the 12 packs of ribbed condoms?" :blush:


And before you ask, that's one for January, one for February, one for March.....


They're no good after sitting in your wallet for a month, they get little holes along the edges.



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I learned two important things from working in Shoprite. Don't be a dickhead when you've got a problem with something, chances are it's nothing to do with the person you're having a go at. And second, never work in customer services.


Oh, I wasn't rude or angry or anything, I just told her to forget it, paid for my goods and left. I know it's not just the girls fault, but very often the children they employ in there really don't give a damn about the customer.


Polski, your right of course. Do tescos pay much more? Never get any problem in there.


I was already annoyed, cos the wife had sent me shopping, I was in tescos, got to the bottom of the list and it said 'shoprite wou, er, vouchers'.


Anyway, thanks for listening, I feel better :)

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Sorry Slim, I may have been a bit unclear just then, I wasn't suggesting you were rude to the cashier, I was just illustrating what I have experienced in the past. I really find it quite staggering that some people find it acceptable to speak to sales assistants etc the way they do sometimes. Even more shocked to discover that half the time, it's pensioners who are the people who leave their manners at home. I always thought they said it was 'the youth of today' that has lost all regard for others.

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My best friend works in Shoprite and I can say that the boss's treat their staff appaulingly and do nothing for morale. I couldn't stand to work there and would gladly get myself fired for using basic human rights, but she isn't bothered, she sees them as they are. It's only a job to her, she gets paid and then she goes home.

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Polksi eh? Do you think I work there? I don't, I'm a clone finance sector employee.


I lub MT currently, they're my bessie mates!


Farns: I get you. I'm amazed at how rude folks are too, to people who are just doing their job. Waiters/Waitresses seem to get the worst of it.

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to people who are just doing their job. Waiters/Waitresses seem to get the worst of it.


On a tangent really, but these same people expect to be tipped for doing their jobs too. Where's the middle ground?


I've not worked in retail since I was 15 and a schoolboy but I remember how horrible people can be and I do try to be nice to shop staff who are generally trying to help you. Shop staff who don't care, aren't interested or are downright rude to you for no reason get no such friendliness.

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You know, looking at this event from my point of view as a future employee (hopefully) anywhere on the IOM I have to admit, that I wouldn't know what to do either... as I didn't know what vouchers are untill i checked it out this morning. But I guess I'd continue the conversation further to get a hold of what vouchers are before ringing the "ring of doom". Well anyway if she wasn't a native speaker of english her mistake is easy to understand. I don't suppose it was a matter of her being unfriendly and all.


Keep the Faith.

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I've not worked in retail since I was 15 and a schoolboy but I remember how horrible people can be and I do try to be nice to shop staff who are generally trying to help you. Shop staff who don't care, aren't interested or are downright rude to you for no reason get no such friendliness.


Pretty much exactly what he said (except I was 19 or 20 when I last worked in a shop).


I generally go to tesco but when I go to shoprite I never really have any problems.


Yes the queue you choose is guaranteed to be the slowest, especially if you hop across from another queue that initially looked a better choice, definitely if other people then take up your previous place and get served before you, but that's just the unwritten law of the supermarket queue.


What I do hate is a large number of the customers in Marksies. Seems the majority of people in there suffer from 'snooty syndrome' whereby they wander right past your path without bothering to look where they're going, or say "excuse me" or basically show any form of courtesy to fellow shoppers, presumably because it might be seen to be 'common', which they're clearly above. Grrr!


They'd make great taxi drivers with those kind of manners.... ;)

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I usually like shopwrong - especially as they have all the Iceland deals (vital when you're kitchen skills are reduced to operating a microwave..) - what's a bit odd at times is, when you buy Booze there:

If one of the kiddies is on the till, they have to ring the "Bell of Doom" or at least wave their hands around, so a supervisor can give his ok for the Booze to be sold - makes you look like a right alcoholic, as the whole shop knows what you're buying...


And just that we're at it to critizise the retail sector - I'm pretty sure we have the worst Micky D and KFC in the world over here:


Micky D: Getting the right order is like playing Lotto (getting the cashier to understand your order is as well..)


KFC: 8 tills and never more than two or three open - and no service whatsoever..


I know, I shouldn't even go to these places, but sometimes it's just too convenient...

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