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Glamorising people being selfish status obsessed middle class dimwits?


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This is pretty low journalism even for the Daily Mail




Why does anyone think that glamorising the stupid lifestyle and the idiotic financial decisions (and subsequent financial ruin) of someone who basically appears to be a self obsessed middle class dimwit who has spent the last 30 years desperately trying to keep up appearances in front of everyone else is of interest to anyone? With so much poverty and genuine hardship in the world I really couldn't give a shit about some silly bitch who has apparently pissed away a really good salary, and really good career and ended up with absolutely nothing and how humbling it all is blah, blah, blah. Poor me, poor me - I thought I was successful but actually I've realised that I'm nearly 60 and a complete f**king twat.


I'm not sure whether this is written as a cautionary tale to all the middle class Tory DM readers doing the same thing, or as something that we're all supposed to piss ourselves laughing about before donating £50 to UNISEF or Save the Children so that some retard like Jaci Stephen doesn't see a penny in either money or sympathy.


Also who goes to the Isle of Man by private jet FFS (see picture), this is obviously the sort of knob we want to attract.

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reminiscent of gazza or benny from crossroads.


why would the mail think it worth writing ? my guess is it normalises getting into debt and losing your house.




the last sentence is particularly absurd


As I hand over my keys, I will be buoyed by the fact that while I’d spent thousands of pounds each week buying people drinks, dinners and gifts, I now have no money but am surrounded by love.

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"When the new pension rules come into play in April — allowing people to use their pension pot like a bank account, taking out lump sums instead of being restricted to a set amount each month — I will be able to pay off the debt on my house."


Then you'll have blown your pension also.

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"When the new pension rules come into play in April — allowing people to use their pension pot like a bank account, taking out lump sums instead of being restricted to a set amount each month — I will be able to pay off the debt on my house."


Then you'll have blown your pension also.

Yes and somehow that's a good thing according to this silly cow. I've pissed away everything, hopefully I'll soon be able to piss away my pension too by using the money to pay off my mortgage arrears before I get repossessed further down the line. The whole thing is a celebration of extreme middle class stupidity. It does make you wonder how many of these arseholes there are out their living hopelessly beyond their means and yet looking down their noses at the rest of us for living in smaller houses and driving smaller cars that we can actually afford.

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Because its the Daily Mail


And they long since gave up anything resembling proper journalism in favour of borderline tabloid bollocks.


Their website bears more resemblance to TMZ than anything else.

They bolloxed that 20 years before WW1...Tittle tattle is centuries old. Even the first cave paintings and remnants of Pompei show that.
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How many people over here are saddled with massive mortgages and living on the cards ?


Its how the UK economy works debt is what keeps the place ticking over.


I have not sympathy as they think that they will live forever and worry about it tomorrow.


What is needed is more lessons at schools on money and how to use it responsibly.


Never mind who is for some caviar and champers ?

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