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Wotta Dreary Lot!


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I dont know about you but the interviews with the prospective candidates for the Douglas West election in today's examiner drove me to seek out drying paint!


They dont seem to have got the idea about capturing the imagination of the voting public. As individuals they may all be very nice people for all I know, but as vibrant vote go-getters they need spicing up big time.


Is it any wonder that people feel that politics has absolutely no relevance to their daily lives when all prospective candidates trot out are the same tired, hackneyed phrases designed specifically for the grey vote. I was surprised to see that not one of the 'candidates' suggested bringing back the birch for bad'uns!


Just put yourself into the mind frame of an 18 year old and think - is this worth my vote? I fear the answer is a resounding 'nyet'!....er..innit etc.. :rolleyes:

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I listened to them on Manx Radio on Sunday last and they did sound a bit of a dull, predictable bunch. All going on about "gangs of youths" etc etc


What was the best thing I've heard on Manx Radio for ages though was the chap who phoned the Mannin Line later to go on about "gangs of youths" and comparing them to the "gangs of youths" rampaging over the beaches in Portugal. He even said "this is just the sort of thing we don't want to see on Peel beach" - For Godsake, I was on Peel beach on Saturday afternoon and there were two small children with buckets and spades and a man walking a dog - the "gangs of youths" would have a pretty lean time trying to mug that number of people. Of course we don't want to see that sort of thing, and I'm pretty sure we won't. I wish people would stop all this nonsense, it's not perfect over here but it's really not that bad! In fact I would hazard a guess that many of the "gangs of youths" are bored senseless with nothing to do - mind you idle hands etc - so keep off Peel beach for your own good!! ;)


Has anyone read the Children and Young Person's Strategy - what's being suggested for our young people? I hope it's not just sport because not every young person wants to play badminton!


By the way, the Mannin Line is a very sad reflection of it's former self now, so the powers that be have almost got their way, as predicted. Manx Radio say e-mail the programme if you don't want to go on the phone, I've e-mailed them on several occasions with various questions and comments but never had them read out. Perhaps not as interesting as I thought they were :(

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They dont seem to have got the idea about capturing the imagination of the voting public. As individuals they may all be very nice people for all I know, but as vibrant vote go-getters they need spicing up big time.


They are obviously looking at the people who have won elections in the past and model themselves accordingly. If you are looking for spice in your politics take a look at this: http://www.omrlp.com/


They don't get many votes but I do like some of their ideas :)

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quote=Paul H,Jun 15 2005, 10:20 PM]

They dont seem to have got the idea about capturing the imagination of the voting public. As individuals they may all be very nice people for all I know, but as vibrant vote go-getters they need spicing up big time.


They are obviously looking at the people who have won elections in the past and model themselves accordingly. If you are looking for spice in your politics take a look at this: http://www.omrlp.com/


They don't get many votes but I do like some of their ideas :)

All tomorrow's candidates could be wearing one of these


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...In fact I would hazard a guess that many of the "gangs of youths" are bored senseless with nothing to do...
What a joke! - we were saying the same thing 30 years ago for God's sake, the IoM has changed out of all recognition since, there literally was nowt to do in the 70's, no skate parks, no bmx tracks, no computers (internet especially), no youth amenities blah blah blah, kids today are spoilt for choice
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...In fact I would hazard a guess that many of the "gangs of youths" are bored senseless with nothing to do...
blah blah blah, kids today are spoilt for choice


I wonder if THEY see it that way, though. After all, they've nothing to compare it with, have they?

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...In fact I would hazard a guess that many of the "gangs of youths" are bored senseless with nothing to do...
What a joke! - we were saying the same thing 30 years ago for God's sake, the IoM has changed out of all recognition since, there literally was nowt to do in the 70's, no skate parks, no bmx tracks, no computers (internet especially), no youth amenities blah blah blah, kids today are spoilt for choice


Sorry, I was being ironic.


What are youth amenities? You might think kids today are spoilt for choice, but a lot of the time it's the adults choice for them. Has anyone actually asked kids/young people what they want. I don't know because I've not asked them, but it would appear that the majority don't want the skate parks, bmx tracks because if they did they wouldn't be so empty? It seems to me that they still prefer to huddle together in bus shelters (if they can find one) - much like we did 30 years ago. I think we also have to establish what we are talking about age wise. "kids today" = age range 8 - 13?? "gangs of youths" = age range 13 - 17?? What age is "young people", to me it's anyone between 11 - 17. Where do we place, in age group, the people roaming around the prom at 2 in the morning? (don't say prison!!!) are they young people or gangs of youths?


What I was trying to say in my previous post, incoherently obviously, was that people/MHKs should stop all this alarmist nonsense about "gangs of youths" roaming the streets and rampaging across Peel beach, this is just a vote catcher. I'm not saying you don't get the few that are beyond redemption (youths not MHKs!) but the majority of young people on the Island, and I think in most places, just want to do what most of us did when we were young, which is be together in a group, small or large, and away from adults. Because they're in groups and appear to have a bit of an attitude doesn't make them hoodlums. Most of us, in our youth, have been in a group of young people that might have had an unreasonable attitude towards authority/older people, that's perfectly normal isn't it? We've managed to grow out of it to a certain extent! A bit of attitude in a person is good, you don't want a nation of door-mats!


I know there's more trouble with drugs/alcohol today, but that's down to the individual young person to resist. Not all groups of young people are stoned to the eye-balls or falling down drunk all the time. Even though drugs/alcohol are more accessible now they were accessible 30 years ago and it was still up to you to say yes or no. You might think the Island has changed out of all recognition by having a few bmx and skate board parks, but young people haven't changed all that much. They might be louder and more in your face than they used to be 30 years ago but spare the time to listen to them, especially one to one, and they're much the same.


Sorry this has gone completely off thread - what might be refreshing is if the prospective MHKs spoke to and listened to a few of the young people in West Douglas as well as the pensioners - those young people will have a vote eventually, it might be worth knowing what they think for "forward planning".


I await the accusations of being a "bleeding-heart liberal", which actually I definately am not! :)

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I know there's more trouble with drugs/alcohol today, but that's down to the individual young person to resist.  Not all groups of young people are stoned to the eye-balls or falling down drunk all the time. Even though drugs/alcohol are more accessible now they were accessible 30 years ago and it was still up to you to say yes or no.  You might think the Island has changed out of all recognition by having a few bmx and skate board parks, but young people haven't changed all that much.  They might be louder and more in your face than they used to be 30 years ago but spare the time to listen to them, especially one to one, and they're much the same.



Yes but when you actually do ask the "nuffin to do" brigade, what would you like to do? A typical answer is "dunno".


Or they would like a Multiplex or something similar. The Island is of a size where an investor wouldn't open something specialist because the return is not so great, being such a small catchment area.


If you look around there are things to do, its just those things might not be relevent to todays teenager? I imagine a lot are happier in groups arsing about in strand street then they are jumping on a bike and messing about in Rivers and stuff or filling their own time with their own ideas.


But hey the "I'm bored!" thing was around even when I was a nipper!! Part of growing up I think. <_<

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You're dead right "If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?"


answer..."dunno" :huh:


So there isn't an answer, it is part of growing up, especially for the male of the species who seem clueless at times

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When I was in my teens there was nothing to do. Couldn't spend all the time outside, especially in the rain; the other alternative being to fork out loads of money on a trip to the cinema and erm...sit in the house. At least there are loads of places to go on the island because it is so scenic and things are getting better.

I have seen the same problems in Salford. No youth clubs or anywhere for kids to go, they just walk in gangs along the streets.


Yeah I agree with what you were saying about finding out from kids what they want. Though isn't the same true about drink and drugs. Aside from all the ridiculous and narrow-minded ideas that I have heard from people (people who get sh*t faced every weekend and sanctimoniously moan about ecstacy and weed etc.) about patrolling the island for drugs and making them harder to get to get why not actually spend 5 minutes working out why there is demand in the first place. Same with drink though considering the island's vibrant drinking culture it's no wonder they start drinking so young - it's what you learn.


I don't know how anybody could really see you as a 'bleeding heart' based on your views in that previous post Teapost, if many people had that impression I would start to wonder whether the problems lies with the adults nevermind the kids. Though I don't see why you should be bothered about that term anyway, didn't it come from the Daily Mail, and if so...well... it speaks for itself!

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They dont seem to have got the idea about capturing the imagination of the voting public.  As individuals they may all be very nice people for all I know, but as vibrant vote go-getters they need spicing up big time. 


That certainly seems ot be the case.


At 4pm only 20 percent turnout. Manx Radio said the low turnout was due to the rain!


Whilst elsewhere


Voting stations in Iraq closed. Iraqi electoral commission officials say voter turnout on Sunday has exceeded all expectations... based on preliminary surveys from polling centers, he believes about 60 percent of registered voters went to the polls ...


For months, Sunni Muslim militantshad threatened to kill anyone who dared to vote. They killed scores of candidates, election workers, police and others in a bloody campaign of intimidation leading up to the polls.


They made good on their threat to attack voters on Sunday, unleashing a wave of suicide and mortar attacks in the capital and other areas of the country throughout the day. But the violence, which killed more than three dozen people, was not enough to deter millions from voting.



It was obviously a dry day though <_<

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He won the by-election with 560 votes {snip} The turnout for today's by-election was around 40 per cent, with 1641 votes polled.
With the aid of a calculator that means he was supported by 560 out of 4100 eligible voters (13.66%).


Just don't ask me what that means :blink:

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