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Scottish drink drive limit

Lightening McQueen

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I agree with most of Woolley's argument, and without getting drawn into it all I think the current law is a good balance between toleration and road safety. There's no need for draconian legislation anymore; but if there was a need I'd be all for it.


In the old days it was just crazy, but there's been a huge social change in attitudes and responsibility, and anyone caught well over the limit deserves to be hammered. I drink very little but I'd like to feel I can continue to enjoy one glass of wine with a meal without the fear of being locked up and all that comes with it. That's lunacy; particularly when you can still drive a car at whatever speed you like on many of the Island's most dangerous roads without fear of prosecution.


Let the current law stand, and stop criminalising people.

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A few years ago the iom government published the statistics of an eleven year survey into the causes of road fatalites locally. The idea was to discover how many were caused by excessive speed. However, all causes / reasons were given over that eleven year period, only one fatality was as a direct result of drink driving. more people were killed as a result of sober people hitting parked cars, or by waving a dog in the car running around. Basically, drink driving is not a problem over here. There is no need for Tynwald to waste time or money changing the law.

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I've thought about this for a bit, and there's been a few pieces on the radio and the TV about it.


My solution would be to have graduated limits. 0-10 - all clear, 10-50 - fixed penalty fine and points, 50-80 - court case and potential ban, >80 - court case, definite ban, possible prison sentence. You'd have an effective zero limit as a half-a-bitter would probably put you over, so people would be discouraged from pushing the limit, but if caught at the lower limits, and there's not much evidence that drivers at these levels are causing major death and destruction on the roads, you wouldn't be in the major life-changing penalty category which I reckon is a bit OTT.


Alternatively, as someone suggested on R4 today, let's see if Scotland's limit reduction increases road safety and if so, do the same. If not, stay as we are.

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Complicating a simple matter. Nobody who is otherwise competent driving is going to be made incompetent by driving within the existing legal limit. Of course such a person can be involved in an accident but so can people who have nil alcohol. The rest of the intrigue surrounding this a result of the over weaning state needing stuff to do. Our local version is rolled out on the radio every year.


First we have the woman who comes on TH every year to tell us not to get into debt. Try telling your bosses, love. Then the coppers today telling us all not to drink and drive. But we can't afford the post offices.

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As an SNP Voter/Member.............

It's nanny state nonsense and I see they have plenty of people here brainwashed into thinking it's a good idea.


It's not the person who has one drink on the way home from work or a glass of wine with an evening meal or lunch who is the problem, it's the idiot who has half a dozen and is incapable, but still gets behind the wheel and will continue to do so whatever the legal sanction.

...can I just say this, this, this, and this again!!!!



The utter pish we've been subjected to here about the "evils of drink driving", aye, ok, fair enough, so now the evil is guys who have a pint and a half, is it? You can no longer stop on your way home for a swift pint because that will put you over the limit.


What a load of horse.


All this does is criminalise that small percentage of folk who were previously fine, and still would be in Carlisle, but now become a "drunk Driver" if they're in Gretna.


The guy who has 8 pints and drives, is he now going to think - 'oh wait, last week I would have been 6.5 pints over the limit and that was fine, but now I'll be 7.25 pints over the limit I'd better not drive'


What a load of horse. Did I say that already?



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so how many drinks do you have to have before you can drive in Scotland then????

It's person specific, but a general rule of thumb is a standard 4% pint will put you over and a half pint will probably be ok.

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I think the only way of stopping drink driving is a mandatory jail sentence the moment you're over the limit...scaled to the extent. But once over...no matter how little over...banged up a minimum of 2 months. Its the only real disincentive. The last two generations have been 'educated' to the fact you can 'probably' get away with 2 pints. But 2 pints and different metabolisms and what you've had to eat are all very different.


It doesn't matter how many gory video ideas you come up with. People think they'll likely get away with it.


Most people are completely desensitised to 'shock TV' therapy.

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