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Jackson Trial Decision!


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I think he did "something" - even a gold digger needs some kind of basis to work from.. Guess we'll never find out now... :(

As above, this family is everything that is annoying about america, beautiful place, nice people but a few absolute fruitcakes, its the land of plenty, but people like this want money for nothing, same as the lawsuit culture.




I see your point and agree to a certain extend, but even the most greedy fruitcake and his/her lawyer would need some kind of "case" before tackling someone like MJ - they have to expect a whole army of lawyers coming down on them, and I just think you wouldn't bother with that if you knew that you had nothing against him...


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I see your point and agree to a certain extend, but even the most greedy fruitcake and his/her lawyer would need some kind of "case" before tackling someone like MJ - they have to expect a whole army of lawyers coming down on them, and I just think you wouldn't bother with that if you knew that you had nothing against him...


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I know, and might agree if the family hadn't had "form" for this kind of thing, and the previous case of himgiving jody whoever a handout hadn't happened. But he's too easy a target, he loves kids, and damn right he was going to help a dying kid enjoy what could have been the last of his days. And remember why this case came about, because the family tried to get money from him, he wouldn't so they went public with it to try and blackmail him, then the law decided it was time to nail him after the jody, rightly so, it had to go to court and he's been aquitted, thats what i'd expect if it were my child, not a handout, i'd want him strung up by the bollox.

Not guilty.

Seems obvious to me.

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Based solely on what I have read and learned from the Media and accepting that I did not have presented to me all of the evidence that was presented to the jury it is my opinion that he is guilty as hell.

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Based solely on what I have read and learned from the Media  and accepting that I did not have presented to me  all of the evidence that was presented to the jury it is my opinion that he is guilty as hell.


Which makes you about as informed as the jury then....surely the amount of technical referencing in the case makes it almost impossible for a "reasonable" man to be able to understand the implications.


Civil case to follow?

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Which makes you about as informed as the jury then....surely the amount of technical referencing in the case makes it almost impossible for a "reasonable" man to be able to understand the implications.


Civil case to follow?



I didn’t see the ‘body language’, I didn’t hear the tone of voice used in asking and answering questions, I didn’t hear delays in answering questions, in short I missed a very great deal.



Civil case as happened in the OJ case? I hope so. It's also interesting to now read remarks from jurors that 'they thought that Jacko was guilty of abusing boys in the past but not proved to be in this case'. Interesting.

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