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Tell me again how climate change ain't real? Last year Hayan, the strongest storm to ever make landfall on earth since measurements began, slammed into the Philipppines. Now we have a new one approaching - in bloody December! Hagupit:




CNN is sensationalizing it a bit, but it is a big storm again.




Some predictions say it will miss Manila, some say it will be a direct hit. I really hope it will miss. Too many people in inadequate housing and having that hit a city of 20 million, with a government that is completely useless when it comes to disaster response, has catastrophe written all over it.


I really think this is climate change in action. People here are all like "That never happened before". Shit is out of whack, big time.

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So, like, when they had an ice age, was that because of the dinosaurs cars'?


Its sunny in Portugal too. The other week, when I was in Bulgaria, it snowed serious snow and rained serious rain, played havoc with my holiday wardrobe, I can tell you.


I don't buy into global warming (not allowed to MrBees has a pet hate about it and it really is not worth trying to argue with him....ever)

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