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The TT is for Wimps

Gee Cee

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It is often argued (quite wrongly in my view) that the TT brings money to the Island. These off road bikers are destroying the Island, and benefit only the person who organises the trips.


Calm down. dearie. Did you forget your medication again ?


Whatever "view" you have, the FACT that the TT brings in money to the island is indisputable - there have been a number of studies, and the figures are publicly available. Whatever your "view" is, they don't make the facts any different.


The off-road bikers aren't destroying the island. It's still here, we don't need to put on lifejackets and start blowing up lifeboats or anything. There isn't a huge erosion valley about to split the island in two and the west side of the island isn't about to break free and float away, like on Father Ted.


The bikers are using public roads that suffer from erosion - people were complaining about erosion on the island's roads before the invention on the motor car. Bikes can contribute to erosion, but they also bring in a net economic benefit in sales of bed spaces, food, drink and fuel. Erosion management is already being talked about by the Government and the various interested parties, and in the past week, trail restrictions were announced.


When I read reactions like yours I often think it's a way of masking simple xenophobia, a fear of "outsiders" coming in and "destroying the island" as if they were Vikings hopping off longboats, burning torches and axes in hand, ready to do millions of pounds worth of improvements to Peel. Things like the rows over green lanes are simply a way of reacting to societal changes by entrenchment against a shadowy, ill-defined enemy who's threatening to "destroy the island".


Some fair points raised

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Dave Taylors bike is out jurby junk if I remember right, little bit of useless info for you.


Does anyone remember the Michelin man ? I love him when I was a kid.

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