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Stupid People

The Sick Moon

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Is it simply fate that the dense will inherit the earth? Are people even genuinely as thick as they appear, or are they just easily swayed by those who deliberately misconstrue language for near nefarious ends? Are you stupid? Yes, you are.


Never mind

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I don't think people generally are stupid, rather they are within cultures and subcultures which provide no opportunities or advantages to thinking - though I will say people have a tendency to laziness and being too easily satisfied.


Get people out of such environments and they can flourish and gain some self pride.


Dense-ness isn't inherited directly - there's very little correlation between genetics and brains, the environmental factors are far far more important - give a bright kid no opportunities or way to apply their mind and they'll stagnate, but nurture them in a different environment and you could be amazed by what they could do.


Now TSM, when it comes to misconstruing language it takes two to tango - are you sure your communication skills have been honed to allow you to place the blame on the listener?

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Now TSM, when it comes to misconstruing language it takes two to tango - are you sure your communication skills have been honed to allow you to place the blame on the listener?


I always blame myself in those circumstances. "If they haven't understood me it must be because I didn't explain myself well enough, I'll try again." And again. But sometimes they're just thick.


It can cause problems when (on here for example) when my thought process is "They don't agree with me, they can't have understood me, I must not have explained myself well enough. I'll try again" And again. But sometimes people just don't agree with me and only occasionally that's because they're thick.

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It can be easy for somethings to be misunderstood when written on somewhere like an Internet forum, especially with dimwitted autocorrect. Irony and comedy can be particularly hard to do. However, there are occasions when people read what they want to read and misinterpret simple or straightforward language. LDV's interpretation of a simple sentence I wrote in the Bolton drug deaths thread is a good example of this. I think they just looking for am argument no matter what I write, so I'm leaving that one alone.

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Is it simply fate that the dense will inherit the earth? Are people even genuinely as thick as they appear, or are they just easily swayed by those who deliberately misconstrue language for near nefarious ends? Are you stupid? Yes, you are.


Speak for yourself.

Like what you hear?


Have a look in the mirror.

Like what you see?


Now sit down and make a decent reply to your own post. How about sharing with us how these conclusions were reached.

Surely you are smart enough to express these ideas with more detail.


Thank you for opening a very interesting topic.

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Has technology played a part in people thinking the way that TSM does?


There are certain instances online where you can come into contact with people who you wouldn't normally interact with in person and you read some of the things they have written and you think to yourself that they cannot surely be that stupid. There are also some real life situations where people come out with some properly stupid stuff but is that just a lack of basic commonsense, laziness or a general dumbing down as a whole?

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I always blame myself in those circumstances. "If they haven't understood me it must be because I didn't explain myself well enough, I'll try again." And again. But sometimes they're just thick.


It can cause problems when (on here for example) when my thought process is "They don't agree with me, they can't have understood me, I must not have explained myself well enough. I'll try again" And again. But sometimes people just don't agree with me and only occasionally that's because they're thick.




There is of course a third option which you really need to consider...


That you are wrong!

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The economy in conjunction with the welfare state increases stupidity levels.


Clever people spend on priorities, put off having children till they can afford them. Meanwhile the welfare state funds the feckless to reproduce, paying them more money once the next one is born.


I call it the X Factor.

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They say people are poor at judging how good they are at something. People who are bad at something, often think they are better than they are at that task, because they don't have enough knowledge to recognise their failings. As they learn more, the more they realise they have still to learn.


That's why 80% of people rate themselves as above average drivers.

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