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Stupid People

The Sick Moon

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My approach is in this way.


1. Definitions:


According to Oxford (one we trust)


Definition of stupid in English: adjective (stupider, stupidest)

1Lacking intelligence or common sense: I was stupid enough to think she was perfect
1.1Dazed and unable to think clearly: apprehension was numbing her brain and making her stupid
1.2 informal Used to express exasperation or boredom: she told him to stop messing about with his stupid painting



A stupid person (often used as a term of address): you’re not a coward, stupid!
More example sentences
  • It soon became apparent that he was suffering from the stupids when he repeatedly asked for directions to where we were already taking him.
  • They're still stupids who should not be allowed out in public.
  • I appreciate it a lot, but don't bother with the stupids, for it is wiser to just laugh at them.

mid 16th century: from French stupide or Latin stupidus, from stupere 'be amazed or stunned'.


According to Merriam-Webster (to use an Internet favorite)


1stu·pid adjective \ˈstü-pəd, ˈstyü-\

: not intelligent : having or showing a lack of ability to learn and understand things

: not sensible or logical

: not able to think normally because you are drunk, tired, etc.

Full Definition of STUPID

a : slow of mind : obtuse
b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner
c : lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
: dulled in feeling or sensation : torpid <still stupid from the sedative>
: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>
a : lacking interest or point <a stupid event>
b : vexatious, exasperating <the stupid car won't start>
stu·pid·ly adverb
stu·pid·ness noun
2. Read up on the subject:
Two good books by Dr. James F. Welles (PhD.)
Understanding Stupidity Paperback – August, 1997
by James F. Welles (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-0961772901 ISBN-10: 0961772905
Story of Stupidity: A History of Western Idiocy from the Days of Greece to the Present Paperback – November, 1988
by James F. Welles (Author)
3. And read case histories - for example this one:
4. Conclusion:
After studying the above I would be very careful and cautious of calling others stupid.
Any comments?
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  • Replies 37
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Everyone is a bit thick in some way. Intelligence has many facets and not everyone is strong in them all, though some people are weaker in more of them than others. Some kinds of intelligence are valued more than others. I was a bit rash in calling someone stupid today who is really just a bit stuck in their ways and inflexible in their thinking. They are probably very capable in other ways.


What I still don't understand is credulous types. Religious people. Especially when they are apparently quite smart some areas. How can they possibly, honestly, believe a load of shite about gods and angels and other ridiculous bollocks. It perfectly illustrates the multi-facetedness of intelligence. Some people's brains are apparently wired to be credulous, regardless of other capabilities. Never mind!

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Spot on Vulgarian post #20.


Trouble is with forums is that it's so easy to misunderstand if


1) you have a preconception about a subject or a person

2) you scan read like most of us do

3) you get cross about something.


Whilst two particular posters are generally very interesting to read both soon resort to "you're thick" if you don't agree and they can't understand why.

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Is it simply fate that the dense will inherit the earth? Are people even genuinely as thick as they appear, or are they just easily swayed by those who deliberately misconstrue language for near nefarious ends? Are you stupid? Yes, you are.


I don't know what this is a reference to but I would agree with the general comment. As George Carlin said: 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.' And yes, easily swayed.


Never mind


Please stop saying "never mind" to everyone you disagree with.

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Is it simply fate that the dense will inherit the earth? Are people even genuinely as thick as they appear, or are they just easily swayed by those who deliberately misconstrue language for near nefarious ends? Are you stupid? Yes, you are.


I don't know what this is a reference to but I would agree with the general comment. As George Carlin said: 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.' And yes, easily swayed.


Never mind


Please stop saying "never mind" to everyone you disagree with.



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