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Pakistan Taliban

Gee Cee

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Come on Mojo, not necessary.


I do have to ask how anyone could think that deliberately targetting school children is acceptable. The utter moral bankruptcy of a cause which would even plan such an operation let alone carry it out.



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I can remember being so shocked by the Beslan Massacre - this isn't quite as big, 141 (so far confirmed) deaths verses 385 in Russia, but the barbarity of it reaches the same heights.


A group of people sat down and planned to do these things, they worked out how many people were needed to go, organized the explosives, guns and bullets and then some of them left to do it and the others waited to hear news of what they had planned. I wonder what they are thinking tonight?


The mentality of these people scares me, I can only call it evil beyond my comprehension. And what scares me is that I am reasonably sure people with the same mentality live in Britain and are making similar plans, maybe not on school children, but on commuters or tourists or ordinary people just going about their business.


In my view there is almost no comparison between these people and the western military planners who work to defeat them. All war is evil, and much of what has happened in the wars our troops and their allies have fought in the last few decades hasn't been even an honorable evil of a just war.


This, though, is a whole different scale of evil and barbarism and what makes my skin crawl is that some will try to justify it, put the responsibility for it not on those cold, dead-hearted people who planned this atrocity, but on colonialism or Islamophobia or whatever.


I view such justification as moral bankruptcy of the lowest sort and those who make them the Islamists' "useful idiots" who give succor to those who continue to make such plans.


This is evil and needs to be called it.

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I can remember being so shocked by the Beslan Massacre - this isn't quite as big, 141 (so far confirmed) deaths verses 385 in Russia, but the barbarity of it reaches the same heights.


A group of people sat down and planned to do these things, they worked out how many people were needed to go, organized the explosives, guns and bullets and then some of them left to do it and the others waited to hear news of what they had planned. I wonder what they are thinking tonight?


The mentality of these people scares me, I can only call it evil beyond my comprehension. And what scares me is that I am reasonably sure people with the same mentality live in Britain and are making similar plans, maybe not on school children, but on commuters or tourists or ordinary people just going about their business.


In my view there is almost no comparison between these people and the western military planners who work to defeat them. All war is evil, and much of what has happened in the wars our troops and their allies have fought in the last few decades hasn't been even an honorable evil of a just war.


This, though, is a whole different scale of evil and barbarism and what makes my skin crawl is that some will try to justify it, put the responsibility for it not on those cold, dead-hearted people who planned this atrocity, but on colonialism or Islamophobia or whatever.


I view such justification as moral bankruptcy of the lowest sort and those who make them the Islamists' "useful idiots" who give succor to those who continue to make such plans.


This is evil and needs to be called it.


>A group of people sat down and planned to do these things, they worked out how many people were needed to go, organized the explosives, guns and bullets and then some of them left to do it and the others waited to hear news of what they had planned. I wonder what they are thinking tonight?


Yep, George Bush Junior and Senior.




They oversaw the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents.


I wonder what they are thinking tonight?



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They just need vapourising wherever they are found. Can't reason with them obviously.


Tried that, didn't work. Vapourise one and another nine appear out of the woodwork. Unfortunately their tactics have changed and they've moved the battlefield to the UK. So be careful next time you use public transport in London.


And negotiating won't work if you select Tony Blair as the peace envoy. Jeez, it's like selecting Buster as a Returning Officer despite knowing his previous history.



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A group of people sat down and planned to do these things, they worked out how many people were needed to go, organized the explosives, guns and bullets and then some of them left to do it and the others waited to hear news of what they had planned. I wonder what they are thinking tonight?




Yep, George Bush Junior and Senior.




They oversaw the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents.


I wonder what they are thinking tonight?




TBT - I'm not going to defend the planners of the various Middle Eastern wars of the last few years, but I will argue with those who see a simple moral equivalence between what they planned to do and what the people who went into these schools planned to do.


If you can't see a difference between what they aspired to achieve then I honestly think you are blind.


You can put Blair and Bush on trial and probably convict them of hubris, over-reach, arrogance, incompetence, cultural naivety, flouting international law, etc etc but they desired that as few people as possible died as a result of what they did. They oversaw militaries which took the minimization of civilian deaths as one of their central tenets (it isn't the only one - I admit).


The Taliban in planning to attack this school have consciously and deliberately planned to maximize the number of children who died. The killing of children and civilian teachers was the objective of their mission.


In a clear example of their morality they've released a statement that they made a mistake and had only planned to kill the children in the upper classes of the school - if there was ever an example of moral bankruptcy that is it.


Fredrick Engels warned that "those who unleash controlled forces also unleash uncontrolled forces." Something Shakespeare put far more pithily - "Cry 'havoc', and let slip the dogs of war."


Bush and Blair do have moral responsibility for that - and the burden they should carry is large - but in all moral theory there is always a tension between consequentalist and deontological ethics; the Taliban and their ilk have to not only account for the consequences of what they have done, but also for what they aspired to do. The idea that they have some justification to go an deliberately attack a school is abhorrent and of a whole different moral character.


I feel that needs to be emphasized.

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