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Pakistan Taliban

Gee Cee

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F**** Islam.


It is a religion of death, hatred, slavery, and evil. Its founder was a murderer, thief, rapist and paedophile.


Apologies - I forgot to mention he was a racist. He called Jews pigs and apes, and he called black people raisin heads.

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have they publicly stated its a good thing max ? can we not send Beth Espey round to get there view unequivically once and for all ...

driedel/tj you an intelligent guy but that last statement a crock of shit .....


Not sure what tj stands for but how else do you explain the disregard for human life in the atheist communist regimes, if not a result of their atheistism and scientific utilitarianism where people are just a mass of people to be controlled or directed, and not as people with dignity, an innate worth? It's hard to see people with worth if they're just skeletens in skin, and not spiritual beings. Can you please provide a justification for treating people with dignity in an atheist / non-moral framework? I know individual atheists can think what they want but if they do believe in dignity or looking after the sick or elderly, they do so despite their atheism.

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F**** Islam.


It is a religion of death, hatred, slavery, and evil. Its founder was a murderer, thief, rapist and paedophile.


Apologies - I forgot to mention he was a racist. He called Jews pigs and apes, and he called black people raisin heads.


So Mohammed was down with the kids, raisin heads? Some boy haha

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The world would be better off without Islam. But religion? No, we saw what a world without religion looked like when the atheist commisars of communist nations did away with it and murdered tens of millions of their own people. When you throw out religion, you throw out morality and a sense of right and wrong.



I know plenty of moral and just people that are in no way religious. You don't need religion to be moral.



You totally missed my point. These are individuals who have grown up in a society which still has an influence even on atheists. Of course they're moral, because they've grown up in a judeo-christian culture. Give it a few more generations, or have a government stamp out all religious influence and brainwash the kids with a curriculum totally devoid of any traditional influence, filled with a new atheistic ideology, and I think it'll be a quick decline from amorality to immorality.

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The world would be better off without Islam. But religion? No, we saw what a world without religion looked like when the atheist commisars of communist nations did away with it and murdered tens of millions of their own people. When you throw out religion, you throw out morality and a sense of right and wrong.


I know plenty of moral and just people that are in no way religious. You don't need religion to be moral.

You totally missed my point. These are individuals who have grown up in a society which still has an influence even on atheists. Of course they're moral, because they've grown up in a judeo-christian culture. Give it a few more generations, or have a government stamp out all religious influence and brainwash the kids with a curriculum totally devoid of any traditional influence, filled with a new atheistic ideology, and I think it'll be a quick decline from amorality to immorality.

They're here. They're called Socialists.
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If the heads of the Islamic religion were to publicly disown and condemn the Taliban and Al Queda then perhaps we could take a more sympathetic view. They seem to be unable to do this?

There's the problem - there is no head of Islam. They don't have the equivalent of a pope. That'd be the caliph, which is what IS want. But he'd only be the caliph of the Sunnis, hell bent on wiping out the Shia. The schism is all over who was Mohammed's 4th successor about 1400 years ago. It really is such a load of nonsense I can't see how it's all relevant today.


The solution has to be education. It's not a coincidence that the Taliban are targeting schools and girls who are promoting education. They may not fear death, but if the locals become more educated they lose their supply of willing cannon-fodder which is why they particularly fear schools.

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I know plenty of moral and just people that are in no way religious. You don't need religion to be moral.



You totally missed my point. These are individuals who have grown up in a society which still has an influence even on atheists. Of course they're moral, because they've grown up in a judeo-christian culture. Give it a few more generations, or have a government stamp out all religious influence and brainwash the kids with a curriculum totally devoid of any traditional influence, filled with a new atheistic ideology, and I think it'll be a quick decline from amorality to immorality.



Why do you assume the people I am referring to have grown up in a judeo-christian culture, a tad presumptive. If you aren't trolling you are posting typical narrow minded religion nonsense, only brainwashed fools believe that religion is needed to preserve society. Of course, only their religion not any other religion.

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453 soldiers died in Afghanistan recently. ..for what? 453 teachers would certainly die if you 'battled' on the education front.


What is 'education' though? Christianity? Democracy? 'Think like us'?


its the dark ages out there. They have to get through that themselves.

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When you throw out religion, you throw out morality and a sense of right and wrong.


If you need religion to tell you it's wrong to murder, rape, steal etc, then you must be pretty fucked up. Do you have the urge to those things?


absolutely .... anyone who needs to get their morals from religion ,has no actual morals, they just looking after number 1 "gold plated pension" style to guarantee their place in their " heaven" selfish bastards the lot of them

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The solution has to be education. It's not a coincidence that the Taliban are targeting schools and girls who are promoting education. They may not fear death, but if the locals become more educated they lose their supply of willing cannon-fodder which is why they particularly fear schools.




Your solution sounds reasonable but in the past the middle east has had modernist, secular Arab leaders in the past who wanted to modernise their nations. They sent their young people to Europe to be educated, but they came back conservative, fundamentalist, and turned against the secular state. Secular education did not help back then, why would it help now? The head of Al Qaeda is a well educated man, an eye surgeon who went to medical school, has a master's degree, speaks three languages.

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When you throw out religion, you throw out morality and a sense of right and wrong.


If you need religion to tell you it's wrong to murder, rape, steal etc, then you must be pretty fucked up. Do you have the urge to do those things?



Don't be ridiculous. I know these things are wrong because I have a moral conscience which has been taught to me since I was a baby and which may be natural anyway but I do know an atheist regime which seeks to stamp out all religious influence will see nothing wrong with causing the death of millions if it's for the "greater good", as there are no morals in an absolute materialistic worldview.

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The solution has to be education. It's not a coincidence that the Taliban are targeting schools and girls who are promoting education. They may not fear death, but if the locals become more educated they lose their supply of willing cannon-fodder which is why they particularly fear schools.




Your solution sounds reasonable but in the past the middle east has had modernist, secular Arab leaders in the past who wanted to modernise their nations. They sent their young people to Europe to be educated, but they came back conservative, fundamentalist, and turned against the secular state. Secular education did not help back then, why would it help now? The head of Al Qaeda is a well educated man, an eye surgeon who went to medical school, has a master's degree, speaks three languages.


Fair point, but the eye surgeon is not the one blowing himself up or cutting heads off - it's the supply of those types that will dry up if education levels are improved.

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The solution has to be education. It's not a coincidence that the Taliban are targeting schools and girls who are promoting education. They may not fear death, but if the locals become more educated they lose their supply of willing cannon-fodder which is why they particularly fear schools.




Your solution sounds reasonable but in the past the middle east has had modernist, secular Arab leaders in the past who wanted to modernise their nations. They sent their young people to Europe to be educated, but they came back conservative, fundamentalist, and turned against the secular state. Secular education did not help back then, why would it help now? The head of Al Qaeda is a well educated man, an eye surgeon who went to medical school, has a master's degree, speaks three languages.






When you throw out religion, you throw out morality and a sense of right and wrong.


If you need religion to tell you it's wrong to murder, rape, steal etc, then you must be pretty fucked up. Do you have the urge to do those things?



Don't be ridiculous. I know these things are wrong because I have a moral conscience which has been taught to me since I was a baby and which may be natural anyway but I do know an atheist regime which seeks to stamp out all religious influence will see nothing wrong with causing the death of millions if it's for the "greater good", as there are no morals in an absolute materialistic worldview.


like the judeo christian one does with iraq syria libya afghanistan and the rest?

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Fair point, but the eye surgeon is not the one blowing himself up or cutting heads off - it's the supply of those types that will dry up if education levels are improved.



There have been some quite well-educated Palestinian suicide bombers. I just did a google and it apparently there was an article in New Scientist back in 2004 saying Palestinian suicide bombers were three times more likely to have gone through higher education than the general Palestinian population.

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