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From today's news:


First this:

Arsenal star Robin van Persie has been arrested in Holland on suspicion of rape, the Dutch authorities have said.

The 21-year-old striker was held on Monday following the alleged assault in the city of Rotterdam over the weekend.


and straight underneath this:


Football legend George Best has been arrested and bailed on suspicion of indecently assaulting a young girl.

The former Manchester United and Northern Ireland star is alleged to have attacked the girl, aged under 13, last month in Surrey.


Regardless of the question of guilt in these cases, I do start to wonder how it comes that Footballers constantly seem to be in trouble with the law and it further feeds my dislike towards overpaid muppets kicking a ball around...


At least it seems, we might get our very own MJ case over here for the summer :rolleyes:

/off to hide at unknown location

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I agree, it is disgusting that more and more modern day household names/celebs seem to be getting into the papers for all the wrong reasons ranging from speeding fines to taking drugs and much worse


I often wonder if this is because they see themselves as being above the law and now only answerable to themselves?

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it is disgusting that more and more modern day household names/celebs seem to be getting into the papers for all the wrong reasons


It still amazes me that some people, such as Rebecca Loos and Abi Titmus can become famous for getting their knickers off.

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It still amazes me that some people, such as Rebecca Loos and Abi Titmus can become famous for getting their knickers off.

Is it not also worrying that there are plenty of others who aspire to be like them?

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It still amazes me that some people, such as Rebecca Loos and Abi Titmus can become famous for getting their knickers off.

Is it not also worrying that there are plenty of others who aspire to be like them?

As long as there are still people out there buying Heat, OK and all the other rubbish magazines, these z-list wannabes will always be around and others will try to follow in their foot steps - in the end, they see Jordan in a big house and think:


"Hey, they can't do anything and are famous - I can do that!"


And as to Rebecca Loo: I'd prefer if she left her knickers on - the pure thought is more scary than Garwick at 2am.. :blink:


And I still haven't figured out why everyone's still obsessed with George Best...

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I tried posting about Van Persie this afternoon but it didnt seem to want to work for some reason.. anyway I was also posting that Steve Finnan has also been arrested, for causing death by dangerous driving. Full Story

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I tried posting about Van Persie this afternoon but it didnt seem to want to work for some reason.. anyway I was also posting that Steve Finnan has also been arrested, for causing death by dangerous driving. Full Story

So that makes three players having a brush with the law in a very short space of time - I guess that's what happens if you give people money and status, and they don't have the brains to handle it - well, that's why they are footballers...


The thing that amazes me is, that most clubs don't even take proper action when any of their players have been proven of wrong doing - one or two weeks wages as a fine, that's it - no surprise that there are more and more scallies wandering around, with examples like that...


I really think that the clubs should take more action in reminding their players of the responsibility that comes with being in the public eye, and subsequently, being an example for millions of people...

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I couldnt agree more, fines are not enough, but there's not much else that the clubs themselves will do, because at the end of the day the only other course of action would be to ban the player from playing X amount of games (Or in the worse case scenario, terminate the players contract, like that of former West Brom striker Lee Hughes). Trouble is, how many managers are going to want to ban their own players from playing, especially if the player is a regular first team member? So they give them a fine instead. Yeah, thats them told... <_<


The FA need to get more involved when something like this happens (if they dont already?) and not just leave it down to the clubs to decide the punishment, else the next generation of footballers, the kids of today, are going to lead by example. I'm not suggesting ALL of them will, but if you're a top flight footballer, earning more money than sense each year, what are fines going to teach you?

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i reckon that pay for footballers should be "performance based".


ie. the team wins (yay!) the footballers on the field who did the hard work will be allowed to have their full pay (or a bonus), the footballers who lost possession of the ball or who made the mistakes that lost a match have their wages reduced by, say, 4000 quid a month (its not unreasonable).



if a player is involved with ANY infringement upon the law, then they are fired. simple. therte are managers of major companies (like Mcdonalds) who have lost their jobs merely over an allegation. why should it be any different just because you kick a bag of wind around a field all day?

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Absolute bollox, if they are tried and convicted in a court of law then why do the clubs have to put further punishment on them? They get a conviction like any other "normal" walk of society, plus EVERYONE gets to know about it as opposed to worrying about ya mum reading it in the paper. Unless its a serious case, like the aforementioned rape or killing someone in ya car, then why should they be sacked, you wouldn't expect it in any other proffession?

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I think that is the point, it is because of the profession they are in. There aren't that many other careers where the rewards are so high and the media are so interested.


I believe that when a footballer signs for a club they represent the club 24/7 due to the amount of money fans will invest into their chosen club, which helps pay the costs which include massive wages. The footballers must also be aware that they are going to be the media spotlight regularly (fairly or unfairly) and that fans will expect a lot from them.


Some footballers use this to their advantage and some are caught out by it.


However I think punishments must be handed out by the clubs to show the fans that when a footballer breaks the law, that the club doesn't agree with this behaviour and this will hopefully keep the clubs intergrity intact and set a good example to the fans whilst keeping the fans faith.


The punishments must be kept in proportion, but fining someone a maximum of two weeks wages (this is the max allowed in football), when the person earns a couple of million a year is not the same as fining someone else the same if they earn 25k a year.


I don't know what a suitable punishment is because suspending/sacking a footballer will damage the team and the club will suffer and the fines don't seem to make much difference.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I take this as good news for old George then, and I never implied that he (or any other footballer) was guilty unless proven so.


The problem will persist, though, and the clubs should find a way to keep their players more under control - a contract that guarantees you a fairy-tale salary should be tied to strict conditions when it comes to the behaviour of the person receiving the cash - no CEO of a normal company could afford to behave like some of our current ball kickers do on a constant basis (and CEOs actually need a brain to carry out their job)

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