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The Tardis is sadly missed :(


Everyone would say that they had a great time there, but when you were actually there, everyone was bored, grumpy, and complaining about it. Well, apart from the dancing monkey, but he was always too occupied with his reflection in the mirror to care much about anything else. Jesus, some even left half way through the night to go to Studebakers, just for light relief amongst the psychotic builders and drunken seahags out on hen parties. That's got to say something.


Furthermore, as I recall, the Tardis had a playlist you could set your watch to: If Happy Mondays' 'Step On' came on, for instance, it was pretty certain that it was about 12:30 am. Friday, Saturday, it didn't matter which night it was, you'd be getting on down to 'Devil's Haircut', 'Step On', 'Block Rocking Beats', and 'Breath', with little material evidence that it was no longer 1995-1996.


It also had Star Wars murals in the corner. Star Wars murals. In a nightclub. For grown ups.


Oh god, I hate it so much! /End cathartic diatribe.


To be fair, other clubs on the Island weren't much cop when the Tardis reigned the alternative scene, but, looking back, the average second hand car is roomier, has a better light system, smells better, and, even if the cassette player is broken, probably has better music and is more open to taking requests.

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The Tardis is sadly missed :(


Everyone would say that they had a great time there, but when you were actually there, everyone was bored, grumpy, and complaining about it. Well, apart from the dancing monkey, but he was always too occupied with his reflection in the mirror to care much about anything else. Jesus, some even left half way through the night to go to Studebakers, just for light relief amongst the psychotic builders and drunken seahags out on hen parties. That's got to say something.


Furthermore, as I recall, the Tardis had a playlist you could set your watch to: If Happy Mondays' 'Step On' came on, for instance, it was pretty certain that it was about 12:30 am. Friday, Saturday, it didn't matter which night it was, you'd be getting on down to 'Devil's Haircut', 'Step On', 'Block Rocking Beats', and 'Breath', with little material evidence that it was no longer 1995-1996.


It also had Star Wars murals in the corner. Star Wars murals. In a nightclub. For grown ups.


Oh god, I hate it so much! /End cathartic diatribe.


To be fair, other clubs on the Island weren't much cop when the Tardis reigned the alternative scene, but, looking back, the average second hand car is roomier, has a better light system, smells better, and, even if the cassette player is broken, probably has better music and is more open to taking requests.


You forgot "One to Another" by the Charlatans and "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson :lol:


Nostalgia is so often better than the reality. I'll stick with the nostalgia.


After all, they had no bananas during the war. But they was happy.



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On the other hand the Outback is even worse!


To be fair to the dj's though they were held back from varying it too much by instruction from the managment and by the fact that Alternative punters are the most conservative and unoriginal group of people taste wise.

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You forgot "One to Another" by the Charlatans and "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson :lol:


Oooooh no I haven't



It's all etched on my brain there, like a time capsule of disappointment for future generations to enjoy.


To be fair to the dj's though they were held back from varying it too much by instruction from the managment and by the fact that Alternative punters are the most conservative and unoriginal group of people taste wise.


I heard something similar about the management, and fair point about the tendency of alternative tastes to be firmly rooted in a narrow band of 'classics'. But the lack of variation in songs played surely can't be put down solely to that, sometimes it felt like someone had jammed a compilation disc into the player, and then buried it in cement so that no one could get at it. Whatever the reason, it was still a rubbish club;)


To be fair, there was some diversity on non-weekend nights when obviously the DJ's could get away with more, and there were different DJ's to the weekend slot, but come Friday or Saturday it was like being stuck in Groundhog Day - The Musical

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To be fair, there was some diversity on non-weekend nights when obviously the DJ's could get away with more, and there were different DJ's to the weekend slot, but come Friday or Saturday it was like being stuck in Groundhog Day - The Musical



That is the nature of Alternative Discos everywhere - there is No-Alternative. Like it or lump it, just don't expect to hear anything you haven't heard 100 times before. The Tardis was no better or worse than 100 others.

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You do know he posts on here, right? :)


I saw one post saying that ages ago, I'm not sure it's the same guy judging by the name. Anyway, I mean no offence by the mirror thing in either case, it became part of Tardis lore... as demonstrated by the time when Justin (I think) rolled down the volume midsong. Something only the true monkey will be able to remember...


Like it or lump it, just don't expect to hear anything you haven't heard 100 times before. The Tardis was no better or worse than 100 others.


That's not been my experience. I've been to a few in England where there's a fair amount of variety from night to night, and indeed over the passage of time. The Alternative nights at Bar Phono in Leeds were always fairly varied, and would always play new/unreleased stuff, and that club isn't that much bigger than the Tardis was. Similarly Ziggy's in York... which was the Tardis, only in a sweaty cellar. Of course there was the occassional old standard, and certain popular new songs dominated the playlist for about a month or so, but generally there was a healthy appreciation for playing different songs.

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