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We need to learn that no one group of people as the right to systematically exterminate another group.

We don't need to learn this. Everyone in the world knows that it's wrong. It will not stop it happening though.



Not convinced I agree - the Jihadis think they do Allah's will when they exterminate apostates, kafir, and atheists.


There are many religious verses in all the major religions where "the other" are treated with no mercy and God was pleased.

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Do the jews own the copyright to holocaust and genocide ? Taught in schools , constant film after film ..is easier for us to accept of course because we just de humanise the nazis say it must not happen again we are better than that ..we arent , we are all capable of committing sub human crimes , just need to convince ourselves that who we do it too are sub human themselves ..is the ultimate hypocrisy ...why is there no international potato famine genocide or wipe out native american indian day? Then at least we would have to look at us " good guys" accept in certain circumstances all humans are capable of this behaviour , maybe learn something truly prevent it happening again rather than conveniently blaming it on sub humans not us as we continue to kill hundreds of thousands of sub humans around the planet

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We need to learn that no one group of people as the right to systematically exterminate another group.

We don't need to learn this. Everyone in the world knows that it's wrong. It will not stop it happening though.



Not convinced I agree - the Jihadis think they do Allah's will when they exterminate apostates, kafir, and atheists.


There are many religious verses in all the major religions where "the other" are treated with no mercy and God was pleased.


Yes. That is true. But then this bears out what I am saying about the world as it is and not how we would like it to be. They would not see it as inhumanity to man because by denying Allah the Kaffir bring it upon themselves by committing the greater crime Charlie Hebdo style. It's when you start getting down to what drives different belief systems you start to find the many and various ways that people find to exonerate themselves from responsibilty for their deeds. Even the Nazis thought they were doing good work because in their book the Jews were a sub-human menace. The gas chamber guards at Auschwitz probably went home and cuddled the cat. It's complicated.

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Is it really that difficult to just say here is a lesson we should learn from our history, and that we shouldn't let it happen again, without turning it into a soapbox on which to stand on and promote an agenda.


The Holocaust was one of many sad time in the history of the human race.


Let's not do it again.

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I don't think anyone is getting on their soapbox, and it's important to ask these questions. I watched most of yesterday's coverage, and probably like most of us, almost throughout I wept inwardly. There were a couple of times when I couldn't hold it in.


There are some points emerging though from some of the posts here that are valid to raise and discuss. Some uncomfortable truths too perhaps. Another emotion I felt yesterday was one of anger and hate for those Nazi bastards that did such things. But thinking about it today I'm reminded that most of them weren't evil in themselves but rather that they were capable of and did evil acts. They were pursuaded to do evil; they casualised and routinised evil, and turned it into an everyday activity. That still takes some getting your head round seventy years later. I can't imagine how the victims cope with that.

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There were holocausts and genocides before, and there have been since. What marked out the Nazis was the industrial large scale and ruthlessly organised planning.


Yes we should learn, but I fear we won't.


Remember it was not only Jews, there were 5 million others, gypsies, Jehovah's witnesses, politicians, lgb, mentally and physically disabled, religious leaders, dissenters.



What made the Nazis and their European collaborators different was not just the unparallelled industrial scale of their mass murder against the Jews and others but the pathological and judeocentric nature of their ideology.

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It seems some on here are cynically attempting to dejudaise the Holocaust and try and make it a talking point to support their pet beliefs such as multiculturalism. The Holocaust was aimed primarily against Jews. Multiculturalism has nothing to do with tolererance. They're two entirely seperate things. The lesson from the Holocaust is not to promote multiculturalism but to be tolerant of others and to stand up against authority and injustice.

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Meir - Yes it was aimed primarily at Jews but the Nazi's also targeted other groups who they considered to be sub-human.


The problem with multiculturalism and"to be tolerant of other and to stand up against authority and injustice" is not straightforward. I am sure most of us would agree that the actions of ISIS are intolerant and unjust, however, they equally believe that what they are doing is standing against injustice.


Equally some Nazi's would have felt that the concentration camps and execution of millions of Jews (and other groups) was just. There would also have been Nazi's who would not have agreed but were unwilling or unable to stand up to the leadership.

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The Second World War was in Nazi ideology a war between international Jewry and Germany. The allied powers were seen as just pawns in that war. The leading Nazis did not consider Jews as sub-humans but as a dangerous threat, as they associated Judaism with socialism. The Nazis got into power as a reactionary conservative political party (financed by bankers) opposed to left-wing marxism at a time when there were moves by left-wing parties to create a soviet system in Germany and then merge with an international soviet socialist system. The ideological war between the left and right more than any nonsense about genetic superiority or inferiority was the reason why the leading Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jewish people. They wanted to exterminate socialism.

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i think you are maybe over simplifying things a little there ... why dont we just call it international justify anything israel zionists or jew does day? and while your at it .. try looking up where the main finance for both world wars on nearly all sides came from


Thanks for sharing your opinion and reminding us that anti-semitism is still alive and well.

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