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I think the Isle of Man has become more and more like Nazi Germany. It's almost got it all - censorship, suppression of different views, persecution, shady business executives pulling the strings, out of control bureaucracies, racist discrimination against "sub-humans" (us few Manx people that are left), propaganda, insane dictators who don't like anyone challenging them. The only thing missing are the gas chambers but I'm sure there have been a few unfortunate bump offs over the years.

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I think the Isle of Man has become more and more like Nazi Germany. It's almost got it all - censorship, suppression of different views, persecution, shady business executives pulling the strings, out of control bureaucracies, racist discrimination against "sub-humans" (us few Manx people that are left), propaganda, insane dictators who don't like anyone challenging them. The only thing missing are the gas chambers but I'm sure there have been a few unfortunate bump offs over the years.


Now there's a tasteless post if I ever read one. Have some respect for those that truly suffered the horrors of the holocaust.

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There's no point in getting haughty about folk taking the mickey because they'll do it all the more if they think you are disgusted or scandalised. Human nature again. It is fun to shock others and the more sensitive the subject the better for some people.


As has been said, it is the industrial scale of the slaughter that sets these events apart. Other than the sheer volume of victims it was plain old fashioned genocide which has gone on since man first walked the Earth, is happening as we write and will continue until man is extinguished.

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Now there's a tasteless post if I ever read one. Have some respect for those that truly suffered the horrors of the holocaust.



I had family at Auschwitz so your cheapshot attempt at moral indignation is duly noted and dismissed.



Am I not allowed an opinion, I read your post and thought it was crass. Why would I know you had family there? If you really did I can't understand why you would write what you did, all rather tasteless.

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There's no point in getting haughty about folk taking the mickey because they'll do it all the more if they think you are disgusted or scandalised. Human nature again. It is fun to shock others and the more sensitive the subject the better for some people.


As has been said, it is the industrial scale of the slaughter that sets these events apart. Other than the sheer volume of victims it was plain old fashioned genocide which has gone on since man first walked the Earth, is happening as we write and will continue until man is extinguished.


I agree with what you say here but I was being serious in my post comparing the Isle of Man to Nazi Germany. Of course there isn't the same radicalism or scale, or violence, but the dominance of a reactionary conservative establishment and their suppression of perceived reformist/libertarian/anarchist/non-establishment groups and individuals is all too apparent. They don't put you in gas chambers, but they will do everything in their power to suppress you, silence you, and maintain the status quo.


That was what Hitler was really put in power for. The establishment weren't particularly fond of him, but in the beginning they thought they could use him to maintain the status quo and suppress the left. It was the bankers and business elite who put Hitler in power.


On an ideological level I don't think our own establishment are all that different. They are only limited in the tools and powers available to them.

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On an ideological level, I don't think our own establishment are all that different. They are only limited in the tools and powers available to them.


I'm not sure about that. The current system has thus far kept the population reasonably malleable and in control. As we were discussing on another thread recently, "democracy" is powerful at creating the illusion of rule by the people through representation, whereas what we have in terms of effective power is a very long way from that. Now if the established order was to break down, or to start to break down, how long would it be before we started to see some more authoritarian sanctions used to keep control? Of course we don't have gas chambers, but simply because the state machine is currently in mothballs I don't think we should assume that draconian measures are "not available to them".

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I had family at Auschwitz so your cheapshot attempt at moral indignation is duly noted and dismissed.

That would not make your post any less odd or afford you a greater perspective.


Comparing the administration of the IOM with NAZI Germany and then attempting to intellectualise that comparison seems more like a symptom than a perspective.


Why do you represent the same personality behind so many different transparent user accounts ?

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